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Equinox Detecting In Pinpoint Mode


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Recently I was beach hunting with a friend (EQX 600) who detected almost exclusively in pinpoint mode and did very well.  After watching him pull several silver coins out of the black sand and cobble, I asked him to let me try to hit his next target.  Sure enough, my 800, beach 2, recovery 4, F2=0, full horseshoe, did not hit a silver dime.

A few days later, I spent 3 hours trying his method.  Using the same settings, beach 2 hit about 90% of the targets.  The targets it missed were silver dime, wheat penny and copper bracelet.

Does anyone know what frequency is used in pinpoint or what is different than regular modes?   I tried targets in all metal with no success.


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Why were you in Beach 2 (salt surf/shallow water) vice Beach 1(wet salt sand)?  Can't tell your hunting conditions (e.g. were you in the water?) based on your writeup. Beach 2, to maintain stability, has reduced transmit power vs. Beach 1 resulting in some potential depth loss.  Both will dial back transmit power in black sand.  Pinpoint will not dial back and it is a non-motion mode.  I have no Idea what frequency it is using to transmit).  Also, need more information regarding depth of the missed targets and how did you determine they were missed in the first place (e.g., went over the area in Beach then pinpoint?  Compared Beach with Pinpoint hits? Etc.)  Gb settings?  Thx.

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San Diego area beach, high tide line, just after tide going out.

Hunted with pinpoint mode, then checked with Beach 2.  Depth 8-10" (2 scoops).  GB setting 0.

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Thanks for the addional info.  Is Beach 1 not stable there?  That would be my choice, as it would punch a little deeper than Beach 2.  I would bounce that off pinpoint to see if that does any better.  Continuously hunting in pinpoint would personally drive me bonkers, so if there was any alternative...I'd take it.

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FWIW, I was detecting a park in early 2018 in the early days with my Nox. I had pinpointed a target and forgot to exit the pinpoint mode.  I detected in pinpoint mode for about 20 minutes before realizing my error.  All I got was noise and strange beeps.  When I realized the error I exited pinpoint mode and went back over the same area and found coins I had missed while detecting in pinpoint mode.

Years of using my AT Pro where you held down the pinpoint button to pinpoint and released the button to exit pinpoint mode was my problem.  The AT Pro differs from the Nox where a pinpoint button push enters and another button push exits pinpoint mode.

Bottom line, detecting in pinpoint mode cost me a lot of wasted detecting time and yielded no targets.  Just sayin'.

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I have used pinpoint mode for detecting in special situations several times. Pinpoint mode immediately puts the Nox in an all metals accepted mode and provides tone and volume modulation of targets along with a much narrower detection signal beneath the coil. It works well for places like salt water beaches to check areas where heavier jewelry and coin targets may be or have been found just beyond the normal detecting range.  I also use it in relic hunting in known deep target areas after detecting the same area normally in one of the other modes. My favorite time to use it is when I am gold nugget patch hunting. I use it for the last sweep of the area after I think I have completely cleaned out all of the targets. Using pinpoint mode like this has helped me locate some 14” jewelry at the beach and some 14”+ three ringers relic hunting when the same targets were not detected before using one of the standard modes. It has also helped me locate some additional, tiny, borderline reading non-ferrous targets that I had missed when nugget patch hunting.



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Thanks for the info.  Although the noise can be irritating after awhile, it seemed to help identify additional targets in a salt beach "patch" I was working.  Wasn't too sure about gain/loss of depth.  Going back this afternoon and give it another shot.  Had not thought to use it while gold prospecting.

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