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How To Deal With Nails And Lots And Lots Of Brass ??

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4 hours ago, dogodog said:

I  think I need to just take a deep breath and get a plan to force myself to just search maybe a 10x10 area at a time.

That would be my recommendation, also.

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If I was coin hunting that place I'd be looking for the hot spots....clothes lines,  transportation enter/exit areas,  outhouse paths...the big shade trees or where the big shade trees once existed....sunny side of the house.... Find the hot spots and focus on those to the exclusion of all else.   

Good Luck!


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GB, Miss Cindy as I like to call her gave me two arial photos to look at, they were taken in the early 60's.Thanks for that link that will come in handy in the future.  As for the material in the ground (NOT ONE PIECE OF ALUMINIUM) imagine that!!! Tons of nails, Tons of coal ash and brass like I've never seen. When I get a good hit it's usually brass. when I dig the target I pinpoint coal slag, nails and my target. I'm getting usually 10 items per hole. I think my trash pouch weighed 5 pounds. I'm searching in 3 tone, and bounce freqs when I hit a good target to try to disc out by ear. My gain is between 89 - 91 I don't want to loose depth because miss cindy said her husband regraded some portions around the 1650 spring house. I still want to hear the iron, but I try multiple settings on the same target to see if I get different results. If I drop the gain to 89 I seem to lose about 2 inches in depth. But practice makes perfect. If this endeavor fails I'm going to rent a skid loader and buy a big sluice box or a trommel It should be a quick way to filter out the junk.  HA HA  Just a couple pieces of brass items I'm finding. My confidence level is rising now that you gave me  a solid way to deal with it. 



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On ‎2‎/‎27‎/‎2020 at 1:14 AM, dogodog said:

Last Sunday I detected a new property which has me discouraged. This place is an early farmstead that has a 1650 structure still standing on it. The property was once about 800 acres and is now reduced to about 10. The soil has my multi kruzer going crazy. so far I detected about 1 1/2 acres. I'm dealing with not dozens of nails and small iron and slag but hundreds of this stuff (no joke). There is not one square foot that my detector is quiet and i'm getting readings on the display from 10-12 to 57-65 to 84-91 all in one square feet and every square foot. I've dug multiple times and found targets ie nails, 22 bullets, lots of brass and zinc all in the same hole. My question is how do you guy's deal with a place this hot ??? I have tried 5 - 14 - 19  frequencies and dozens of other settings still the same thing. Don't get me wrong i'm finding stuff but do you just dig everything and let your ears rest later? I had high hopes for this property but I think the 20th century farm practices has this place ruined.

In an area like that I set the machine as high as it can go while remaining smooth and not chatty and then back it off by about 1/3rd on the Gain and fit a 9 or 6" concentric coil because they ID Iron better than a DD, It's not a perfect solution but it works a lot better than giving it the full beans using a DD. 

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I think I'm going to buy a concentric tonight. I've always had great confidence in the round coils. Just not sure of the size, was thinking 7'' but the more I look at the 9'' the more I like it. I do hunt a lot of grown up areas and woodlots and think maybe the 9'' won't be that bad. My old compadre (please laugh now, It's OK) with a 5'' coil is a great set up. (you can laugh again if needed) (I can also send you some towels if you just expelled some liquid) HA HA   I started on an 80's coinmaster. And I liked it until about 2 years ago when it passed on. RIP

I'm hoping in the next month or so to do a little story about the property and Miss Cindy she's a tough 80 something farmer, with great story's. I need to get a recorder so I can document our conversations. I'm not a great writer by any stretch but I'll give it a try. I think you guys will enjoy it. 

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Guest Tnsharpshooter

The fact that you're digging up targets like you've shown clearly indicates your MultiKruzer is working well.  Coal ash can be particularly interfering.

Hopefully (and likely) there are some old coins there.  Just keep putting in the hours and they'll rear their pretty heads.  ?



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Ordered my new 9 inch concentric, should have it by the 4th. From all the info you guys have given  me and the positive reviews on this coil it should be a winner.

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That is a good place to start,  When you are setting up the machine to suit that patch dig a few of the rusty items and adjust your Disc so it only just knocks them out and then take it from there, Hopefully you should be able to knock out 70% + of the junk but remember high gain will work against you in a junk filled site,

Good luck and let us know how you get on, 

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