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Your Government Employees At Work

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We tend to concentrate on the things that irritate us about our government. That's a healthy attitude for responsible citizens that wish to keep themselves free and their government in check.

Sometimes we forget that our government is powered by it's employees. We slip into resenting the very people we employ due to our concentration on the things we don't like about how the government works (or doesn't work) for us.

That attitude can be very counterproductive. Ultimately it's those government employees that we rely on to do the right thing. Reviling the people that work for us creates a bad work environment and chases away the good employees that we need so badly to help run our government with intelligence and caring.

We work with a lot of different government agencies and I can tell you that the people that work for us are not all bad by a long shot. We have many good employees that are passionate about their professions and good citizens who also want, and work for, a better government.

I believe if we are ever to change our government to better serve us we need to recognize and encourage these good employees. Today I would like to introduce you to just one of these exceptional people.

In Arizona we are very lucky to have Lee Allison as our Arizona State Geologist. Lee is an extremely intelligent and thoughtful man that has earned a justified respect among his peers. He has changed the office of State Geologist to better serve all of the people. This transformation has been remarkable to observe.

This isn't written just to stroke the ego of a friend or business associate. I've never met Lee nor do I owe him a favor or wish a favor from him. My knowledge of Lee is based entirely on the work he has done as State Geologist. You too can see his ideas and writings for yourself at his very active Arizona Geology blog.

Here's an example of some recent blog posts that you might find encouraging.

Here is an article Lee wrote about some misleading information that came out after the Animas River spill this past summer.

Here is another recent article on a similar subject regarding mineral loads in the waters of the west. Particularly important for those readers in the Eastern states so they can understand the natural differences between waters in different areas of the country.

Notice that Lee isn't taking any position on pollution or politics he isn't using angry or inflammatory language in his blog he's just offering the facts and clearly explaining how those facts relate to the subject. He's just doing his job but he's doing it in the spirit and with the fairness that we hired him for.

We at Land Matters have a similar philosophy. We believe that if all the facts are available to all the people, from a reliable neutral source, they will be more knowledgeable about the land issues we face today and in the future. A knowledgeable people can choose their own course with confidence. Knowledge is power. Educate yourself and prosper.

Lee writes on many different Geology subjects. I've learned quite a bit by reading his writings. Give the Arizona Geology blog a read and you are very likely to become more knowledgeable about Geology. I guarantee it won't hurt your prospecting ambitions and you might just come to think as highly of our employee Lee Allison as I have. If so you might consider sending him a short Thank You email. Lee's not just our employee, he's a fellow human being and I believe he should know that we appreciate how well he's doing his job.

I hope there are other posters here who will share their experiences with the best of our employees. Lets let them know we support their real efforts to make our lives a little better and richer each day. Let's help continue the legacy of dedicated people in service to the public.

Heavy Pans


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I actually have dealt with many, many folks in government agencies. Nearly all my experiences have been positive. There are a few bad apples in every barrel, but most people in government I have dealt with are just decent people trying to do a good job.

I do think asking for help up front and a thank you when I am done have got me a lot farther than having a chip on my shoulder. There is also no substitute for knowing the rules and firmly standing my ground when I have to.

Good post Clay - thanks!

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I agree, good post and it's something you very rarely see.


I've had good experiences with all the BLM geologists I've worked with so far both in permitting (NOIs) and general discussion. I hear that in less mining friendly parts of the country this may not be the case, but there are definitely geologists out there who want to see us succeed as small scale miners and I cringe when I see people assuming the good ones are out to get them. I also had good experiences with the GIS and LR2000 guys out of Denver and the guy from USGS who (used to?) manage the MRDS database among other jobs.


Also agree that going in having done your research and with a good attitude goes miles, because a lot of times these guys are on our side (some are even prospectors themselves) but can end up getting alienated by angry people. 

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