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Last Hunt Of The Pa Trip...


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Still on vacation back home in PA; I got out for my last hunt of the trip Sunday, with my friend John. We had a good day, digging at an old site; the pictures are of my old coin finds, and some relics (flat buttons, lantern parts, etc. etc.) It was a really nice day (until an afternoon thunderstorm ended our hunt), and was great to get out to a nice spot with a good friend.
(I can't get a date from either of the two large cents; the V nickel is 1884, and the IHPs are 1872, two 1886, and a 1903).



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I think you should extend your vacation indefinitely, until you can get all those sites cleaned out.  ?

I872 Indian Head penny is a semi-key, 5th fewest mintage in the series.  I don't know if that's its value rank (and of course value depends on several factors), but it's still a great find, IMO.  If I were you I'd think twice about cleaning it until you know for sure that won't cause irreversible damage (in the eyes of numismatists) or reduce its value.  (I don't remember if you're one of those 'clean first and ask questions later' detectorists.  From the looks of the coins in the photo I'd say you aren't....)

Don't know much about your non-coin finds, but that button(?) with the black onyx(?) pie wedge looks interesting.

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GB -- thanks for the kind words! 


As for cleaning, if I think a coin I have dug has ANY chance of having any numismatic value, I won't rub/clean it, in the field.  I may soak it in water, etc., but won't clean it until I look it up to check value.  However, it is SO rare for a copper coin that's been in the ground to come out in good enough shape to retain any numismatic value, that usually don't worry about rubbing the copper coins.  I am more careful with silver...

Yes, that piece with the pie-wedge shape is interesting; I believe it is gold plated (don't think it is gold), but not sure WHAT it is.  There's no shank on it, so I don't think it's a button.  I am puzzled by it...

The piece in the top left is some type of a game piece, that you spin like a top, and then there is lettering on each of the "facets" (i.e. take one, take two, etc.)  The large piece top right, is some type of a printing plate (thus the reversed letters).  It says "Good food costs less, Baked with DAV..." and then the rest of the letters after DAV are obviously missing.  There's a dog tag from 1903, a bunch of flat buttons, and all the pieces at the bottom are from two separate lanterns.



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Awesome finds!  Just one more reason to not want to return from vacation!  Love those big old coppers (something you never see in my neck of the woods).

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Thanks, guys!

Yep, there aren't many large cents that come from Oklahoma; that's why I love digging in PA so much!


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Fantastic hunt with some really nice coins and finds, great job!

Hope your next hunt is as good as this one was.

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Thanks guys!  I didn't get to hunt near as much as I had hoped, on this trip, but what hunts I was able to squeeze in, were great, in terms of the finds!



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