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Not sure if im posting on the right forum, correct me if not Steve. Heard on the news last night a jewelry store in Michigan is going out of business and he has hidden all types of valuable coins and jewelry in many places. He stated he is selling a chance to locate them I think entry is $49.00 per chance? He also stated each piece has a gps tracker on it. Hoe does that work? most gps will get you close then you pull out your metal detector or what? Is this like Geo Caching ?  

On another note was informed the Texas Governor rejected our County Judges request to lock us back up...HURRAAAAY! told Judge just make everyone wear mask...good luck on that. lol.

Hope everyone has a safe and healthy weekend and Happy Hunting!


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You need to find all the treasure South Padre has to offer before going looking for more.

 They say the Singer treasure is somewhere on South Padre . On my map it shows three ships sitting there together on upper Padre . Oh I forgot it’s in the National Sea Shore  strip .

 Never forget when Texas in 67 moved in and took away the treasure that treasure company had found. Got pictures of X-rays of some of the treasure found.


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Take your pick of article/video.

Taking advantage of the Forrest Fenn Treasure publicity -- which he admits.  He has the GPS coordinates -- he doesn't give them out to hunters.  Also says "online sharing of clues not allowed".   Yeh, I'm sure that's enforceable.

Caveat Emptor.

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Ridge Runner, your right i do need to find some of our local treasure. Just need a good storm to pull away the heavy sand. Last hurricane it cut access in half unable to drive to location before sand came back. Will try plan "b" next time. The county keeps closing their entry points i need and if you drive across private property, not posted wich is legal in texas they grab you for driving on the dunes. Its not on the dunes its a well used by everyone trail between the dunes. Border patrol uses that trail all the time chasing human smugglers and narcotics runs. Saw a video of a man using one of those parachutes with propellor that would get me there, lol not sure how to carry a chest full of gold bars, lol the location of the singer ranch i think the refuge bought or just claimed it and posted their signs.

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I don’t know if you see the items and numbers that tell what it is but have others like it that was found. Like said before picture of the X-ray of items encrusted.

 South Padre I don’t see me needing this info I got on Padre from one end to the other. What I’m saying is if you would like to have it just say the word. The map shows what has been found over time. You will have to lay it out on a large table to get the whole picture of where you’re at.

 Just PM me with your address and I’ll ship free.

 Don’t thank me it’s hot out there ?.




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