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Jewelry Settings For White’s V3i


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On 6/23/2020 at 7:27 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

Leaving the cool settings aside, for me the V3i is a top notch jewelry machine. I rarely use mine for anything else.


What program/settings do you use for jewelry hunting with the V3i?

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With the V3i and DFX both I’m not running a detector so much as the coil on it - 3” x 18” Bigfoot coil. The V3i has idiosyncratic responses with the Bigfoot (they are only partly compatible) so after going back and forth between V3i and DFX several times I’m back with DFX, though I still have my V3i.

The settings don’t matter much as I don’t care about depth, but go for quantity. I only go for targets I can pop with a screwdriver, no plugging. I generally start with the Jewelry program on either machine, full tones. Then it’s only a matter of dig all non-ferrous... or various cherry picking disc schemes. The V3i can work in multi but it skews the 22.5 kHz portion of the target id range, so I often ran 7.5 kHz only to clean things up. DFX I’m running multi or 15 kHz only. 

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Tom Slick’s V3i BigFoot Coin & Jewelry Program

Bottle Cap Reject   6

Hot Rock               Off

RX Gain               6 to 12 (to remain stable)

TX Boost                Off

Dics. Sens.             80

AM Sens.               60

Auto Track            On

AT Offset               0

Tone ID                  On

Modulation          On

VCO Pinpoint       On

Filters                    10 High

Recovery Delay    50

Disc. Accept          +10 - +36

                                +40 - +46

                                +48 - +54

                                +57 - +64

                                +68 - +93


Frequency             3

Best Data

Normalize             On

Backlight               6

Coil Selection       5.3 Eclipse


Notes:   This is a coin and Jewelry program for recent drops. 


  1. Salt & Pepper to Taste                        
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12 hours ago, Tom Slick said:

Tom Slick’s V3i BigFoot Coin & Jewelry Program

..... (list of 23 settings).....

  1. Salt & Pepper to Taste     (good one!)                   

Is this the infamous White's Vision/V3/V3i I've heard whispered about by the wise elders sitting around the campfire on a cold, dreary late autumn evening after a long day of hunting?  And you could only list 23 things to adjust??  ?

I had one of those in a previous life, or maybe it's the next one.  Except mine is only going to weigh 1 lb and balance on the head of a pin.

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Tom is more sophisticated than I am, especially with the notch settings. Mine come in three flavors:

1. All non-ferrous
2. All non-ferrous up to but not including zinc pennies, rejecting all coins except nickels (optional - notch quarters in)
3. All non-ferrous above a small aluminum cut- off point and up to but not including zinc pennies

I often use option 2 with quarters notched in, and if I want to narrow it further I may only dig targets that deliver a single, tight target id number. I like the SpectraGraph display ability to display multiple target id numbers at once, and those that hit hard on a single target id with the bar graph nailed to the top are the prime targets when chasing rings. Other jewelry it’s all over the place as to the responses a person might get.

Using Correlate to Separate Ring Responses

Normalization Effects On Jewelry

Best book I have seen on the subject is DFX Gold Methods by Clive Clynick. It is not a DFX only book, and describes many methods and strategies for hunting gold jewelry. Everything in it apples to the V3i.


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Using the V3 in Correlate for Gold Rings

After programing the V3I in many different settings for gold jewellery i finally come up with using correlate & coin & jewellery.

Well you would think by using 22.5 single frequency you would be on a good thing with gold jewellery. The problem is it just goes bananas on trash. The readout on your screen is showing you a good pattern with the camel humps or the 3 bars Your main objective is finding gold with the least amount of trash.

When you are detecting non ferrous say gold with non ferrous aluminium & you are getting a good reading on both targets then its no advantage.

That’s where the V3I comes into its own with its multi frequencies mode small gold has a distinct footprint than small aluminium. Small gold has a larger volume small aluminium trash has a lot less. 22.5 will be the same readout on both. The 2.5 kHz will show you a total different picture.

Telling the difference of a small target from a not a tiny target in respect to 22.5 good target 7.5 some discrimination & 2.5 tells you volume.

Correlate using 3 frequencies is best used to dig all targets that give you a repeatable ping Correlate takes the strongest frequencies to 7.5kHz. Where as high conductive targets are looking at the 2.5kHz. reaction and the 7.5kHz. reaction, low conductive targets are looking at the 7.5kHz. To the 22.5 kHz.

So i use 3 frequencies coin & jewellery correlate mode having your span first off at one with frequency offset at +5 At 1 you will be able to get a lot of low conductor gold rings but almost all aluminium tabs will not respond. At 2 on the span you will increase the gold ring acceptance. But you start to increase your rubbish. Its a matter of using your frequency offset into the minus and plus -5 to +5 look at it setting span as your ruff setting & the offset as your very fine setting. Span & offset till you get best settings.

One other thing. I use my disc. starting at - 35 through to vdi 19 your Nickle, Recovery around 35-45 gain & sensitivity

gain cut back so you are in grass roots depth settings like filters is up to you which ever suits your area.

One other thing is coils. You need a very small footprint to be able to get the best results in getting through the trash. I have the 4X6 shooter which is very good in heavy trash but the 5.3 concentric with the cone just gets a little bit deeper and is far better as the gold gets smaller.

Here is a range of gold ring vdis 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 17 18 19 23 25 27 28 32 34 35 39 41 51 52 62 75 Pull Tabs. 18 21 22 28 30 35 36 38 39 41.

Once finishing the grid pattern i have on the ground i move back to the start and introduce my second program which starts at 20 through to 75. It takes a lot of time but you can go home with a clear mind that you have covered the area to the best of your ability.  I had a lot of help with this from Mike Hillis he really is switched on in programing the v3 & v3i. Thanks Mike you are a legend.

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