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Passin Thru

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11 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

Welcome Passin Thru,

Here's my 2c...20210408_133335.thumb.jpg.5ee1971e69456b1d2e1e8ae4c3e60923.jpg

? Seriously, seems to me if you want to upgrade to more tones cheap, and maybe join in some water hunting, the Nokta Makro Simplex+ will give you 99 tones if you want. I was going to get one to replace my non-ground balancing Garrett Ace 400. It's around $250.

However, the local dealer pointed me at the Minelab Equinox 600, and told me I would never regret it. I haven't other than it's not an 800. ? It's about $650.

I've used a Simplex and liked it but love the symphony the Equinox plays. If you're technically and musically inclined and have no problem with Bluetooth, the Equinox is it.

I've been stomping farmland for 7 months now, and the beach for 6 days. It's a heckuva hobby. Since I'm retired and can get out almost every day I think people are getting bored with me, but this forum is the place for advice and tips. There is no free ride, no magic settings or machine, but the folks here are top notch.

You're doing great with the Bounty Hunter, learning a new machine can be trifling but the "modes" each one has will get you off and running. Come back with photos and for fine tuning!

Meantime have some trash. We all dig it. ?20210407_134615.thumb.jpg.f6310c6e96aafa73cef9bfa21aabbf5b.jpg


Yes sir,if i couldve wouldve and lastly,Shouldve found this site 6 months ago or detectin 30yrs ago,i can only imagine the money i spent on other things bein spent on upgrades of detectors ? im narrowing it down slightly,actually the nox 600 was my 2nd choice after AT Max. I like quite a few of lessor priced an diff brands,models. I keep comin back to waterproof and all around versatility as with the multi frequency and ease of use digital displays. I "think" something like 3-5 tones would be a lot better than the 2 im hearing now. Ive figured diff way to play with this one but,its kinda clumsy and slow in trashy places. Also an slight upgrade from the meter display that is kinda useless to me. If its pegged it may b a coin or a really nice piece of slaw? Tbh i cant put the lil BH Tracker 1V down. Its provided me with much interesting entertainment. I think i can and mean to do better. By that i mean,Dig faster? So what about the Apex,ive read good bit on it,nothin really bad except for few new releases and similar to nox 600,i think the Simplex may fit also. I feel i should go waterproof as i "Know" with myself,sooner rather than later it or both of us will take a dunkin. Most of what id like to water hunt when it warms lil more doesnt wont require scuba or snorkel,at same time that lil silver dime was at fingertip depth with me holdin head sideways so my fresh air intake wasnt submerged ? it was almost magical as i grabbed it 1st try and was my 1st silver,if i wasnt already i was definitely hooked when that shiny presented itself. That was winter an creeks were up but theres many more places to look that are lil deeper. Plus im a all wx and 24/7 type,i went last nite and got stormed out as lightnin got lil too thick. Sooo why you choose nox600 over Apex,if ya dont mind? 

Thnx for replying by way and im also kinda retired or at least a Long way tween jobs. 

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8 hours ago, dogodog said:

Welcome to the site!!! I would suggest a simplex or maybe a vanquish, Or whatever detector you have or choose, learn it. Most people over complicate the hobby, Just take your time and have fun. You will find out the plus or minuses of your machine to help you in your next purchase. Good luck Brian.

Thnx Dog,i like both of youre mentioned choices. Kinda leanin towards simplex as waterproof but,may yet go with nox600. Thnx for reply an encouragement. Im good with constructive criticism also. Lol 1 time long ago i had an ol capn that was in fact an old an really good experienced capn but as i was new aboard id heard stories of how many were intimidated by his cussin an hollerin ? well even back then i knew for a fact that cussin an hollerin do have their usefulness. So me being the direct straight forward kinda guy i am and to remove any unnecessary confusion in height of battle on weather deck while shortening up , i approached him one on one and just explained,Plz do not concern yourself with scaring or intimidating me,cuss scream,call me whatever you like,just do it in a clear concise manner,so i know wtf your sayin? We became close friends??

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19 hours ago, rvpopeye said:

Welcome aboard Matey ! 

Ya already made the find of what yuz be lookin' fer,,,,this forum is the mother lode. 

And I 'ave no doubt ya'll fit in here jus finest kind !

You bin doin' very well with that little "ol Bounty Hunter so farrrrrr ...and ya seem ta 'ave some most excellent areas ta be swingin' 'er ovaaaar !

I'd say keep using th' weapon ya already 'ave fer a while longarrr and hangin' out here fer a few more weeks will probably get ya to which new rig might be suitin' yer needs best.   Lots of 'em be equipped with those tones of which ye spoke.

Ask any questions ya have as ya go along and the crew will have ya on a true course to the treasarrrrrrrrrr in no time arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !





Hi there mr popeye,i appreciate the friendly greetings from you all. This site is a Treasure and i sincerely mean that,its so well laid out and expansive coverage of things i could just not know of,beforehand but,are facinating. Lmbo its cutting into my choices decision time as i go gold prospecting or on far off huntin trip with someone else lol even then im learning something. Im amazed at mr steve h,s ability to compile all this into such an tidy format and still be able to accomplish anything else,bless him surely. I couldve only dreamed of this kinda knowledge bein so easily accessible on many of my prior endeavors to perservere?? Add in all of the others input and its somethin else. I see quite a few machines that are really quite reasonably priced even to a greenhorn. Ive been thru and back thru and will b back again to Steves Detector Reviews and followed many of diff forum threads on diff detectors. Thats how i get sidetracked ? Ive yet to click a link that wasnt interesting and in just a few days,my boots on ground productivity has collapsed and my dogs mad at me?


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On 4/9/2021 at 1:55 AM, Passin Thru said:

Yes sir,if i couldve wouldve and lastly,Shouldve found this site 6 months ago or detectin 30yrs ago,i can only imagine the money i spent on other things bein spent on upgrades of detectors ? im narrowing it down slightly,actually the nox 600 was my 2nd choice after AT Max. I like quite a few of lessor priced an diff brands,models. I keep comin back to waterproof and all around versatility as with the multi frequency and ease of use digital displays. I "think" something like 3-5 tones would be a lot better than the 2 im hearing now. Ive figured diff way to play with this one but,its kinda clumsy and slow in trashy places. Also an slight upgrade from the meter display that is kinda useless to me. If its pegged it may b a coin or a really nice piece of slaw? Tbh i cant put the lil BH Tracker 1V down. Its provided me with much interesting entertainment. I think i can and mean to do better. By that i mean,Dig faster? So what about the Apex,ive read good bit on it,nothin really bad except for few new releases and similar to nox 600,i think the Simplex may fit also. I feel i should go waterproof as i "Know" with myself,sooner rather than later it or both of us will take a dunkin. Most of what id like to water hunt when it warms lil more doesnt wont require scuba or snorkel,at same time that lil silver dime was at fingertip depth with me holdin head sideways so my fresh air intake wasnt submerged ? it was almost magical as i grabbed it 1st try and was my 1st silver,if i wasnt already i was definitely hooked when that shiny presented itself. That was winter an creeks were up but theres many more places to look that are lil deeper. Plus im a all wx and 24/7 type,i went last nite and got stormed out as lightnin got lil too thick. Sooo why you choose nox600 over Apex,if ya dont mind? 

Thnx for replying by way and im also kinda retired or at least a Long way tween jobs. 

I chose the Equinox 600 mainly because it is waterproof and it has a feature set that is very simple. I like the sounds it makes probably because I am a musician. It's probably more an aesthetic decision. I like how it feels, both figuratively and literally.

Every detector will find something. My Garrett Ace 400 isn't waterproof, doesn't ground balance, but it scored some of my best finds. I'm just not a fan of the toy-like sounds it makes, it's a harsh sound without nuance. Kinda like nah-nah-nah ding! Yes!, and you get a pull tab. ?

This all sounds high-falutin, I'm sorry. So far I've used a Bounty Hunter, the Ace 400, and the Nokta Makro Simplex. The Equinox feels more like a real analytical tool than any of the others. The 800, it seems, takes it to another level. 

I'm just starting out myself, I hacked around a long time ago but now am in it for good. There are others here with a wealth of info on many other detectors, I'm sure there are many other choices. ? I feel I am right where I need to be until fish finders merge with detectors. ?

The proof is in the finds I guess. Not doing too bad!

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Another machine to consider is the Garrett Ace Apex. It has much better audio than the older Ace machines and it is very light and has a slew of coil choices.

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I found the site in the fall so readin' up didn't cut intah my fishin' or detectin' time too much and shovelin' the white stuff was low on MY priority list way behind monitoring the correct amount of heat from my buddy heater !!!  Still not even close to bein' able to say "I Read It All" either.... everybody just KEEPS POSTING !!! Skuh kuh kuh kuh 

Cap sez  hope ya find the perfect new detector and mind the coil like you just set a pot. Oh Ayuh.


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On 4/10/2021 at 8:18 PM, F350Platinum said:

I chose the Equinox 600 mainly because it is waterproof and it has a feature set that is very simple. I like the sounds it makes probably because I am a musician. It's probably more an aesthetic decision. I like how it feels, both figuratively and literally.

Every detector will find something. My Garrett Ace 400 isn't waterproof, doesn't ground balance, but it scored some of my best finds. I'm just not a fan of the toy-like sounds it makes, it's a harsh sound without nuance. Kinda like nah-nah-nah ding! Yes!, and you get a pull tab. ?

This all sounds high-falutin, I'm sorry. So far I've used a Bounty Hunter, the Ace 400, and the Nokta Makro Simplex. The Equinox feels more like a real analytical tool than any of the others. The 800, it seems, takes it to another level. 

I'm just starting out myself, I hacked around a long time ago but now am in it for good. There are others here with a wealth of info on many other detectors, I'm sure there are many other choices. ? I feel I am right where I need to be until fish finders merge with detectors. ?

The proof is in the finds I guess. Not doing too bad!

I really appreciate your reply and i apologize if im late or lax in responding to yourself and others. I truly appreciate all feedback,so if you or others ever see me headed somewhere you know or strongly believe a word of advice or warning,will always be considered. Lol im a greenhorn and ignorant of many things besides metal detecting. I doubt ive got enuff time left to catch up to where many of ya'll are now. That bein said,once i find myself involved & Interested,Im In. I see and understand that Locations play biggest part of Success,well that and actually diggin. Very similiar to furtrapping,findin what may be likely locations and gainin permissions,for me will be toughest part. The worst is,hunting seasons will coincide with my preferences of time to get really adventurous as temps,bugs and reptiles are more user friendly during our 1-2wk period of 2-3 days ina row even hovering round freezing mark? nah but,as im sure your aware of "Mostly" bug&reptile Less periods. Ive experienced Tick fever,funny part is i did it in area that i rarely got ticked. It was back in 90s and luckily id jus read article about it in Outdoors magazine,i had tick attach itself right tween shoulder blades while in brush in late August cuttn poles for gator lines an had better half remove it,all rest of day that spot itched like crazy,i was like dam ol razorback findin tree to rub scratch on,later that eve after id showered,i got better half to take a look an see what she thought. Other than itching it hadnt affected me,she says,Its all red around the bite. I flipped open that magazine to picture of trademark bullseye an asked,does look like that? Yep. Shit. No Way i thought to myself. This was thurs eve,i said if it gets worse ill go see doc monday. The nex day by noon i was at emergency room,splittin headache chills fever,whole dam body ached. I explained to doc an he had to look it up,then agreed an give months worth of Cipro along with shot. By nex morning i felt better like id likely live but ill tell ya what,i was in my prime an that knocked me down like not much else ever had an ive my share of battle scars. Besides them dam ticks are jus creepy. Im in diff geographical loc now and ive seen ticks,especially the dam lil seed ticks jus b horrendous in certain areas,and very few to none in others?‍♂️ just like with reptiles,i have respect for em these days. I know theyre bout everywhere an i warn any an all to at least b aware of and chek yourselves good whenever leavin their habitat. I always where Bering sea or cajun reboks in woods,it seems with my pantslegs bein tucked Into boots,mebbe the fact theyre rubber an slick? I pick up far fewer ticks then my buddies wearin boots or tennis shoes with open pants cuff creatin pathway up fer the lil buggers. Enuff a that,im itchin jus thinkin bout it? Now Good news. I decided on Nox 600 and have been soppin wet an fingerin thru mudballs fer last 3-4 days tryin to learn more bout the operation of,so i went to worst dam place i cud think of rite off bat? an ol ww2 p.o.w an naval small arms training site, thats now big recreational campin fishin huntin an horseback ridin area since 60s w/lead,casings,poptops,pulltops,canslaw,a zillion long forgotten campfires with plenty of melted alum cans,nuts bolts an hardware? Today,im going to what shud be much more enjoyable and quieter surroundings and im sure the Good Lord will see we,ve had enuff rain for a spell?. Ya know i bleve also,id like to get try quite few more machines. I was really undecided which,as unfortunately i just cant afford to buy half dz id like,to go with,Im entirely confident of the nox but i definitely noticed the bow heaviness of big coil an kinda unwieldy way brain box sticks up in brush vines etc compared to the ol trusty topatheline bountyhunter? i think the nox made up for it just comparing poundage and quality an types of junk tween my buddy and i over last 2 days,pretty much goin side by side? im happy. I need to find me 1 a them nice rings,like yall ol geezrs find now,and ill check out cupla them others. Oh ive done lot of reading of Steve H,s posts data reviews etc,and i jus happened to think,i need to familiarize myself with individuals here that are Dealers,Is Steve? Myself id kinda lean towards mom & pops,if,when possible. I went thru kellyco for this one as i jus figured with all uncertainties,them or 1st texas would be lil less worry with return or service fer a greenhorn with lil pea brain? No Offenses meant to Anyone and ill attempt to spread the love in future,I already need smaller coil,of which i dont as of now see available and admiring the Many choices of anothers brand? its all good. So Thanks to Mr Steve H for creatin this bangup site,and all of yall who contribute. I wish you all the Best and Bucket Listers and im goin to go back to radio silence unless ive questions or somethin unusual to share. If any of yall can identify the 2 necked down military casings in center id appreciate it? Far right is .308,far left .270wssm. 

Ps,ill post in appropriate forum,topic or try to,from here on out

Thanks a bunch



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4 hours ago, Passin Thru said:

I really appreciate your reply and i apologize if im late or lax in responding to yourself and others. I truly appreciate all feedback,so if you or others ever see me headed somewhere you know or strongly believe a word of advice or warning,will always be considered. Lol im a greenhorn and ignorant of many things besides metal detecting. I doubt ive got enuff time left to catch up to where many of ya'll are now. That bein said,once i find myself involved & Interested,Im In. I see and understand that Locations play biggest part of Success,well that and actually diggin. Very similiar to furtrapping,findin what may be likely locations and gainin permissions,for me will be toughest part. The worst is,hunting seasons will coincide with my preferences of time to get really adventurous as temps,bugs and reptiles are more user friendly during our 1-2wk period of 2-3 days ina row even hovering round freezing mark? nah but,as im sure your aware of "Mostly" bug&reptile Less periods. Ive experienced Tick fever,funny part is i did it in area that i rarely got ticked. It was back in 90s and luckily id jus read article about it in Outdoors magazine,i had tick attach itself right tween shoulder blades while in brush in late August cuttn poles for gator lines an had better half remove it,all rest of day that spot itched like crazy,i was like dam ol razorback findin tree to rub scratch on,later that eve after id showered,i got better half to take a look an see what she thought. Other than itching it hadnt affected me,she says,Its all red around the bite. I flipped open that magazine to picture of trademark bullseye an asked,does look like that? Yep. Shit. No Way i thought to myself. This was thurs eve,i said if it gets worse ill go see doc monday. The nex day by noon i was at emergency room,splittin headache chills fever,whole dam body ached. I explained to doc an he had to look it up,then agreed an give months worth of Cipro along with shot. By nex morning i felt better like id likely live but ill tell ya what,i was in my prime an that knocked me down like not much else ever had an ive my share of battle scars. Besides them dam ticks are jus creepy. Im in diff geographical loc now and ive seen ticks,especially the dam lil seed ticks jus b horrendous in certain areas,and very few to none in others?‍♂️ just like with reptiles,i have respect for em these days. I know theyre bout everywhere an i warn any an all to at least b aware of and chek yourselves good whenever leavin their habitat. I always where Bering sea or cajun reboks in woods,it seems with my pantslegs bein tucked Into boots,mebbe the fact theyre rubber an slick? I pick up far fewer ticks then my buddies wearin boots or tennis shoes with open pants cuff creatin pathway up fer the lil buggers. Enuff a that,im itchin jus thinkin bout it? Now Good news. I decided on Nox 600 and have been soppin wet an fingerin thru mudballs fer last 3-4 days tryin to learn more bout the operation of,so i went to worst dam place i cud think of rite off bat? an ol ww2 p.o.w an naval small arms training site, thats now big recreational campin fishin huntin an horseback ridin area since 60s w/lead,casings,poptops,pulltops,canslaw,a zillion long forgotten campfires with plenty of melted alum cans,nuts bolts an hardware? Today,im going to what shud be much more enjoyable and quieter surroundings and im sure the Good Lord will see we,ve had enuff rain for a spell?. Ya know i bleve also,id like to get try quite few more machines. I was really undecided which,as unfortunately i just cant afford to buy half dz id like,to go with,Im entirely confident of the nox but i definitely noticed the bow heaviness of big coil an kinda unwieldy way brain box sticks up in brush vines etc compared to the ol trusty topatheline bountyhunter? i think the nox made up for it just comparing poundage and quality an types of junk tween my buddy and i over last 2 days,pretty much goin side by side? im happy. I need to find me 1 a them nice rings,like yall ol geezrs find now,and ill check out cupla them others. Oh ive done lot of reading of Steve H,s posts data reviews etc,and i jus happened to think,i need to familiarize myself with individuals here that are Dealers,Is Steve? Myself id kinda lean towards mom & pops,if,when possible. I went thru kellyco for this one as i jus figured with all uncertainties,them or 1st texas would be lil less worry with return or service fer a greenhorn with lil pea brain? No Offenses meant to Anyone and ill attempt to spread the love in future,I already need smaller coil,of which i dont as of now see available and admiring the Many choices of anothers brand? its all good. So Thanks to Mr Steve H for creatin this bangup site,and all of yall who contribute. I wish you all the Best and Bucket Listers and im goin to go back to radio silence unless ive questions or somethin unusual to share. If any of yall can identify the 2 necked down military casings in center id appreciate it? Far right is .308,far left .270wssm. 

Ps,ill post in appropriate forum,topic or try to,from here on out

Thanks a bunch



Those are .308 blanks. Are you hunting a military rifle range?

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