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Nox Continues To Sniff Out Oldies From Heavily Hunted Parks

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9 minutes ago, Raphis said:

 I gave him a silver half dollar one day, and he always lets me know when they’re going to be doing any trenching/digging for future upgrades to the park.

Now that's money well spent!

Who knew that part of metal detecting included not just learning our machines and researching places to hunt, but also "winning the hearts and minds" of those around us?

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Outta likes again guys, 

   But great info, and advice! These are my favorite types of posts! No egos, just great information from all levels of experience! Thanks again, to all involved!!??

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The landowner I have been getting permissions from lately has visited me a couple of times while I was out digging, he is very impressed by the way I dig. So much so that he let me have a go at a much newer house. I'm hoping to parlay that reference into a farmhouse that someone is living in.

Raphis, sorry I missed this one. That's a heckuva haul of swag from a tough place!

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23 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

I'll let raphis answer this but want to point out that if Equinox is primarily initiating the flagged targets, that is telling you something right there ...

Chase-goldman :  If the flagging were only-going-one-direction, then yes:  Everything you're saying would be true.  Ie.:  If it were the Nox guy asking the etrac guy "do you hear this", then sure:  That's not a fair test.  Because, sure, then the Etrac guy is going to be subconsciously biased to wave over the KNOWN SPOT (duh), and say "yes I hear it".   And "yes I would have known that's potential deep silver".   When, in fact, he is merely going by subconscious bias, to merely inflate any squeek he hears MERELY because it's been pointed out to him.


I get it.  But that's not what I was talking about.  That's not what we're talking about here.  We're talking about where/how BOTH machines are showing each other signals, that *each* of them can admit were the classic difficult deepies , for cherry-pick-turf-strategy.


In the case I give, with the 2 individuals, the "flagging" is going both ways .  Not the "one-way" that you seem to envision.

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21 hours ago, Raphis said:

.... Calling someone over to listen to a flagged signal is much different than finding those obscure signals on your own.....

And my answer to you, is the same as to Chase.


So to expand, what would you say, to the counter-assertion, by this "certain individual", that the "calling the other guy over ..." *IS* going "both ways" ?   That each of you two *IS* "finding obscure signals, on your-each own, to show each other ?   With an equal #'s of flags ?  Is he full of sh#t ?   ?


And as for the days of whipped vs non-whipped, he asserts that, sure, some days one of you will spank the other .  No doubt.   But he asserts that there are days when the spanking goes the other direction .  And over-time, when all the averages are said and done, that you guys are about equal, in total tallies.   Thus :  Is he full of sh#t with that statistic ?


As far as your own personal game-changer statistic, that you have indisputable better tallies JUST COMPARED TO YOUR OWN IN-HOUSE before & after :   We have discussed this before.  And as you recall, I wondered if this was because you were an SE user.  NOT the II.  NOT the etrac.    And IMHO (and many others who came up through the ranks of the Explorer evolution/incarnations), the SE was not the deeper of the bunch.  It suffered criticism, that it afforded less depth than the others in the line-up.     Yes you totally mastered it (your SE tallies were the stuff of legend).  But just saying, to compare an SE to the 800 is, IMHO, not te same as a II or Etrac vs the 800.  

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17 hours ago, Joe D. said:

.... We have two Counties that ban "digging" anything in "County" owned parks!! ....

Joe D, I got news for you :  It's not just those locations, or those parks, or those entities, that "ban digging" in their parks.  It's EVERY SINGLE PARK (and beach, and forest, and desert, etc...) in the entire USA.   There is not a SINGLE  speck of public land anywhere, where you can not find such prohibitions.  If it doesn't use the exact word "dig" or "digging", it will indeed have some variation of : "Alter", "Deface", "Destroy", "molest", etc....   All of which can be construed to arrive at the same thing.


Yet as you can see :  MD'ing goes on everywhere.  Even in-spite of such verbiage.  How can that be ?   Are we all just lawless miscreants ?   No.  Because if you leave no trace of your presence (ie: you cover, stomp, and fluff up), then presto: You have not alterED, nor defacED, nor destroyED anything.  Now have you ?  ?   And I would do the same with dIg vs dUg.   The only difference is a spelling exercise.  We do not spell the past tense of the word "dig" as "diggED".    But the concept is identical.


Will every last busy-body agree with those semantics ?  OF COURSE NOT !  ?  So you go at lower traffic times and avoid such kill-joys.  Presto, problem solved.  


If you try to "fight it" or "get it clarified", then you REALLY WILL get something codified, to address your "pressing issue".  So, like nose-picking :  Sometimes it's better just to opt for more discreet timing. ?  Rather than running around seeking everyone's permission and blessings.

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16 hours ago, Raphis said:

.....  Thank God where I live I don’t have a “can’t dig deeper than 4” rule imposed on me.  ...


I had to chuckle at this.  I *have* seen some people , who live some place where some genius park system, invented a permit or rule, where there's some silly arbitrary thing like that.  Eg.:  "No deeper than 4" deep".  Or "digger tool shall not exceed 3" in length", or whatever.


And what perplexes me, in cases like that, is :  Does anyone of us really think, even for a minute, that ANYONE is going around, armed with a ruler, measuring the holes that we dig ?   Eg.:  to see if we dug 5" rather than 4" deep ?   Really ?  I mean, seriously ?  Of course not.   This is much ado about nothing.   I would not hesitate to go the extra inch deeper, if my pinpointer is screaming "silver" at the bottom of a 4" hole.   And no, I do not think there is a man with dark sunglasses in a trenchcoat, hiding behind the tree, waiting to jump out and measure the depth of any hole I'm on.  

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