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Blank Sheet For Recording Custom Settings

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Blank Sheet for Recording Custom Settings for my Nox 800

OK, Ok; back in the day of my XLT Spectrum...
...I had a notebook full of custom settings for my records.

Now I can convert (scan and save as) to Word Document or Adobe Acrobat to save and carry with my Smart Phone.

Problem is, I cannot seem to find a sheet to copy online.
I know I could create my own, but...



Started a list to see if I have the settings in the right order.

Does anyone have suggestions and/or corrections for the following list.

OK; what order for the Equinox Settings Sheet???

1. What preset program to start with
2. How many tones; 2, 5, 50
3. Ground balance setting and/or auto balance
4. Setup accept/reject notches for your hunt site or hunt style
5. Select Volume for each tone region
6. Select Tone Pitch for each tone region
7. Set tone break, preferably at 1
8. Set recovery speed for conditions or accept default
9. Run Noise Cancel
10. etc. etc. etc.

what am I forgetting

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OK, here is what I came up with so far; mistakes and all. :)

please see attached Excel Spreadsheets.

Any suggestions/comments/corrections/ideas/etc. ?


nwdetectorist aka Doyle

Equinox 800 Custom Settings.xls

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I know you haven't had much feedback and their is a reason for that. Minelab has put much effort in my opinion to starting points that are very accurate for different modes. 

For the whole time the Equinox has been out there have been very few people that can re-write the script on their setting recommendations. 

Where the difference boils down to is the specific site conditions. High black sand, EMI issues, Heavy mineral content, moving salt water, high target concentration, personal choices with what one is looking for [to name a few]. 

Get to know your machine with some of the recommended settings and then acquire the knowledge to fine tune your location. 




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Iron bias mode (FE or F2) and channel (0 thru 9)?

Threshold volume (0 is 'off')?

Optimal coil?

Optimal gain?

On 10/3/2021 at 8:26 PM, nwdetectorist said:

1. What preset program to start with

I assume this includes mode (Park1, etc.)

You may want to include which mode and settings you store in the User Profile.


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Thanks GB_Amateur and midalake,

Both of your suggestions are valid and food for thought in my situation.

My area of NW Oregon (Portland Metro) the ground has plenty of mineralization and I hunt primarily in target littered inner city parks and parking strips. I am trying some suggested settings and learning little-by-little.

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Here is link to page on TreasureNet with settings sheet in JPG format which I believe I can use for now.

OK, I am not allowed to post links I guess.





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