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Reports On MX Sport Firmware Update - Post Here

Guest Paul (Ca)

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My second MX Sport will arrive at White's tomorrow. If it gets there in time it may go under the knife to put in a pacemaker. Now White's call this a firmware update. I hope this will also correct the problem I'm having with the low pinpoint tone. I just want it to work and I don't care how they do it but just give me the end results I want.

All my MX Sport that I have had all sing Willie Nelson song On the road again. What I want to hear is a old song too and that's I back in the saddle again. Not shoot out of it. 

If I had the equipment I too make a video when I get my MX Sport back.

One thing about this post it has almost 6 thousand views and counting.

Remember tomorrow is  D  day.


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If it comes out that way you won't hear from me again until the MX Sport 2 comes out. Then the only question I'll have is how long will it take to get one..

You know the dance we had about the number on the ground balance on what's high and what's low. Well Tyler and I are having the same dance of what's right.

I told him I'd give him a call if the need be.

The Best to you


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On 5/9/2016 at 9:32 AM, tboykin said:

Here is what you're in for when you get it back- Link deleted since Findmall Forum update broke all old links

Well No One else has said it So I am going too,


I don't believe one word of it, I have owned the last 3 MXTs and I use them in the most Iron Infested sites with over 3000 years of metal workings, And apart from a blacksmiths shop it the only place you will find worse conditions,

If the operator knows what they are doing then it is impossible to suffer from masking with the MXT, I have proved it here with my Video and If that machine is working for that person then that is more about the detector suiting his style of hunting, I can make the MXT see coins hidden under nail Regardless of which direction they are pointing and even if the coin is surrounded by nails or steel, Having rotary controls is far superior to having pre set steps on any Detector because you can not fine tune it if it has pre set steps, and as for the pin point mode on the MXT or any other mode It will see a Quarter at almost Double of what the MXS can,

Chuck has been made wild promises for the last 9 weeks and he still does not have a detector and I don't think that is very fair and then you post him ONE success story as a consolation about a person who obviously does not know how to run an MXT, I have proved it before and I will prove it again. 

Chuck is a Good Mate of ours, and we would rather See Whites do the right thing by him, Instead of waving one off tails under his noes.  

I Bet that my MXT can Chew the A$$ off of that thing,

All you do is say how good it is, So far everything we have seen says how bad it is and as a Dedicated Whites User this is Bloody Embarrassing.

My Apologies to everyone Here, but enough is enough.

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I'm doing what I can to help Chuck and anyone else with a problem. So are other people at White's. I just wanted to share the improvements in the new firmware with the forum. Something positive. I think that's ok, though if it's against the rules I will remove my post.

I can accept the fact that you don't like the MX Sport. But I like it, and so do others. That should be ok, too.

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Tom, I understand you are doing all you can and the problem lies elsewhere, It is not about whether I like it or not, whether I like it or not holds little value, It's just from the video's and the wild claims and the list goes on, I wanted to buy this machine as I DO when ever Whites brings out something New, I have spent $7000.00 on Whites products in the past 12 months, If you cut me I bleed Whites.

Tom this is not a personal thing so please don't see it as such, It is just what I see from the outside Looking In.

Also I know you are doing all you can but this machine is Rife with issue's,


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Tom and John

The odd thing is you both are standing on the same side telling how great your detector is. Now don't look but you will find that both are made by White's. John saying how great the MXT  for him made by White's. Tom is posting what others is saying how great the MX Sport is and believe it or not but it too is made by White's..

The post that Tom posted has my first detector a BFO with three tubes and it was great detector for it's time.

Don't get me wrong about this I'm not all sugar and spice. But things come too he who waits.

I'm waiting


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Thanks John, I appreciate that.

I don't think you'll be disappointed with the MX Sport after the update. Thanks to you guys we got on top of the issue early and things have been solid for about a month now.

Depending on which forum (and even which thread) you read, people will have various things to say about ANY detector. All I can go off of is my own experience and the feedback I get from customers. I have a pretty good feel for what's out there. BUT, I also know that the first thing some people do when they're unhappy is take to the internet to voice their concerns. Then people jump on that (it's called "concern trolling" on some boards) and you end up with a large amount of negativity in one thread or one board. I feel like DP is pretty balanced in this regard.

From what I've seen and heard, the silent majority are outside, detecting with their machine and enjoying the hobby. They share their finds, and share what they like about the MX Sport, etc... This kind of input is awesome, but doesn't help us make a better detector (except to know what to continue doing). So I appreciate negative input as much, or even more than the positive. But it's important listen to both, and that's why I'm not too concerned about the MX Sport right now.

Having said that - I'd still like to know what issues you have with it.

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I think that some of the problem lies with it, is that because Whites made such an Iconic machine like the MXT that it is all but impossible to better it and only then by adding more manual adjustments, Not forgetting that the MXT took 2 years to being perfect and ready for production also there has been 3 updates since the first E-Series came out And remembering that the people who were involved in that project are the Cream of the Detecting Industry.

When White's get every thing running the way they want it I will buy one even if it has more or less power than the MXT, I just want it as it was meant to be, As a straight shooter I would prefer folks to tell me how it is, I can live with that and work round it, But the way things are I don't know If I am on my A$$ or my Elbow.

And the most annoying thing I see a machine with so much potential just floundering around, It will be great, I am Sure,


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You know a ton of great sayings as I have heard a few.  One great saying is that a picture speaks a thousand words. Do you recall the picture of Tom's truck and what was sitting in the back seat?  Nothing but the Venerable MXT!  So when you talk so protectively about the MXT to Tom, you may be speaking to the choir.  

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