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That's Not A Chain...

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Well done on your hunt and your spot.  I'm surprised you left it but it is night.  haha  Are there gators in that pond?

It is going to be hot for Labor Day.  Between hot and wave energy, I'll take wave energy!

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Thanks Mitchell, A couple of reasons I left was because I had been there in the water for 12 hours and my back and detector were starting to act up. The back is ready to go again and I think the detector is as well - we'll see. I agree that wave energy is the key and would sure like to see some of it next week with the promising tides.

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Nice haul for all the hard work you had to do to find it.

What detector were you using when you found all of the nice and shiny things. Also what did the heavy necklace ring up as.

Good luck on your next outing.

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On 8/30/2022 at 11:47 PM, Valens Legacy said:

Nice haul for all the hard work you had to do to find it.

What detector were you using when you found all of the nice and shiny things. Also what did the heavy necklace ring up as.

Good luck on your next outing.

Thanks VL, I was using the Excalibur (no TID #). It started acting up but I was able to finish the hunt using the discriminate mode. 

5 hours ago, Pyriteboy said:

Way to go on the silver + rings, George.......man, it's going to be smoking hot inland for the next 6 days or so.....I suggest cooling your heels at the coast....


Thanks Jerry, I plan to hunt both in the coming days but you are right about the heat. However, when I hunt in the water I stay pretty cool.

3 hours ago, Denny said:

Where I water hunt people take off their gold jewelry before going into the water ever since gold shot up in price. Tot-lots are also slow on gold jewelry.
Hope things change.  


Thanks Denny, I don't doubt that less gold is being lost these days but I believe that there is still plenty out there waiting to be found.

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