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0.71 Update Issues

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I understand that the onboard clock is important to you since you need to take care of a loved one in a timely manner.

I had incorrect time keeping on my Deus 2 also. This usually happened to me after one of the three battery operated components got into a low or critically low battery charge situation. So, this may be a power management issue that XP is still trying to fix.........

This being the prospecting section of this forum, I will say that XP has other software issues with 0.71 that are prospecting related so I hope they get those fixed too. 

I wear my watch on the outside of my sleeve or below my cuff when I need to know what time it is for certain......

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Seems like to me, it’s your unit not the update that is the issue. Many have uploaded v 0.71 without any clock issues, I myself being one of them. I would send your RC back for a new one and rely on the WS6 module to get you thru in a pinch. My thoughts are a new update will not help you. Good luck with whatever path you take.


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There's a rumour that the newest update in being tested in the UK (and hopefully other countries too) at the current time. Of course, we all know about rumours, so take that for what it's worth. ?

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