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Another Texan Joins The Forum!


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Hi, everyone.  I've been lurking around this forum for a month or so and decided I need to join.  There are a lot of Detector Pros here and I appreciate the advice they provide.

I'm not new to metal detecting but I'm far from an expert.  I actually bought my first Metal Detector back in the '70's or so.  It was a Metrotech!!  I doubt many here even know that name.  Here's a video of the device 

It just had a beep and a meter.  I used that detector on an off for many years to search parks and school yards in the Denver area.   I would have loved to go prospecting but the detectors back then weren't up to the task.   I recall it being very frustrating digging up all the junk I was finding in parks.  Sure, I found a few silver coins but nothing really exciting.  I remember once I located a silver dime spill in a school yard on their manicured lawn.  I dug out some of them then felt so bad about digging up the lawn that I just covered up the rest of them and never went back.  They are probably still there.  LOL   I don't think that detector went very deep, probably just a few inches if that.  Through the years I kept reading about Garrett and his progress with better and better detectors but my interest waned on metal detecting and I developed other interests.

Finally about 15 years ago the bug struck again.   I read about the great discriminating machines Minelab was making and bought an Explorer.  My bane has been the fact that pull tabs came up in about the same place jewelry was appearing.  It seemed all I was doing was digging up pull tabs and aluminum cans.  So, I bought the next iteration of the latest and greatest Minelab detector but still it seemed all I did was dig up aluminum.  So, I sold the new machine, kept the explorer and told myself I wasn't going to detect again until someone made a much better discrimination detector.

Now, I'm retired and the detecting bug is striking again.  I have more time now but a lot less energy than I used to but I need to find something that will get me out of the house and getting some exercise.  At the same time I began to hear about the Minelab Manticore and wondered, could this be the detector I've been wanting for the last 50 years?  Well, I doubt it but I've ordered one anyway.  I'll just have to see if this works for me or if I get frustrated again digging up lots of trash.  If I disappear from the forum sometime next year, you'll know what happened --- unless it was my questionable heart health that sent me off to detect in another realm. 

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Welcome from East Texas.

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Welcome, PSPR!  Digging trash is just part of detecting.  Sure, you can extreme cherry pick, digging only USA quarters and above (but making sure to avoid the very high dTID's which are usually some kind of iron).  You'll leave a lot of good stuff in the ground, but if you're alergic to trash....  ?

Below is a very good post on the gold jewelry detecting subject by one of our most knowledgeable detectorists which shows where gold jewelry hits on a couple different (top performing) detector dTID scales.  I'll point out that below nickel is where a lot more aluminum trash in the form of foil will show up.  And can slaw can be everywhere.  Gold is rare and tough to find in nature.  (And those who do dig tons of trash.)  Seems to be about the same for jewelry.  People drop valuables by accident.  People toss trash on purpose.  ?


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Thanks for posting Jeff's post on the TID's, GB.  That's helpful.  I know that the Minelab chief engineer said they gave the Manticore 100 TID's so they could spread out that clump of signals in the high teens that many metals fell into with the Nox.  I noticed Jeff had many finds in that range too in his post.  It's the target trace that has me most excited about the Manticore.  I'm hoping that will guide me away from a lot of trash.

East Texas, If the Manticore turns out to be everything I hope it could be maybe I'll venture farther out of town (I'm in Flower Mound NW of Dallas) to meet up sometime.

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Hello PSPR. Now that is a great introduction. As GB_Amateur mentioned, diggin' junk is part of this hobby. Otherwise you can do cherry-picking but that would be half the fun I think. May be you're able to change locations or can join a club of detectorists in your area so one may show you where some of the better spots are. Hopefully you will have better luck this time and do some nice finds and meet a lot of smart and nice people.

Take care & stay healthy - All the Best of Luck???

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