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Manticore November


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On 11/7/2022 at 11:11 PM, phrunt said:

I doubt they will include a printed manual, it will be the PDF we get on their website being the manual I would imagine.

The guy in the video with the goatee appears to be a gold detector engineer that's worked for 15 years with Minelab working on gold detectors right back to the 4500, it was quite funny when one of the people asked if the Manticore will compare to the GPZ on gold, and he laughed then tried to explain that it will not even come close, and it only works well for gold in benign to mild ground.  He said it will handle a bit of minerisation in gold mode.  I think very little has been changed with the Manticore gold mode vs the Nox, perhaps they're exactly the same.  That's not necessarily a bad thing I guess, the Nox is great on gold for a VLF.

Simon... Manticore will have more power and sensitivity to small targets..,than Equinox..., and to what extent it will be shown soon...,and more TX in Manticore ..and .will provide good sensitivity to small targets gold also on 11" and 12x15" coils...

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10 hours ago, vive equinox said:

November or 2023 doesn't matter to me anymore I know it has nothing to do but I am financially ruined because stuck at FTX and too exposed to solana, ftt etc. I will stay with my faithful nox?

I would have never invested in this kind of stuff . Too risky . And I dont trust people like Musk , Kardashian and a few others ... I am going off topic as its not a financial forum sorry ...

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Finding any news or videos on the Manticore is next to impossible right now.  I did find a video from Gold Rat Prospecting Supplies in Australia telling customers that today (6 days ago) was the last day they were taking pre-orders for the Manticore.  He said anyone not getting their order in today will have to wait until the second shipments come.  He also said he has a tentative release date of the end of November and a delivery date of Mid December.

Wow!! The video is on this page.


Here's the final clue.  There is a German metal detector retailer on eBay who is offering the pre-sale of the Manticore.  In the description it states the following:

"Pre-order now! > According to Minelab, the first shipment of the Manticore will reach us in November."
"NOTE: We cannot guarantee that the detectors will definitely arrive in November. As you know, there can always be unforeseen delays."


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1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Any detector can discriminate out pull tabs and aluminum. And all the good items that go along with them, like gold jewelry. There is nothing new here in that regard.

You are right, of course, Steve.  I am hoping between the expanded TID, the target trace and maybe a couple nuance tricks that the Manticore will enable the identification some aluminum objects and some pull tabs.  If you can avoid digging even 50% of them that would be a big advantage over digging everything.  On the beach there isn't much reason not to dig everything non-ferrous.  It's just a scoop away, so to speak.

Back to the November Manticore release, I firmly believe the release date for the U.S. and Europe will be November 30th with shipments to customers arriving by December 15th.   That still means waiting over a month to get your hands on one.

I just don't quite understand the radio silence out of Minelab nor the lack of a PDF manual to download.  I can only imagine that there is some information in the manual that Minelab doesn't want in the hands of competitors until the last moment.

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I wonder if they'll let Coiltek make coils for it, if they do it's going to be roles reversed, Coiltek won't need to make their 10x5" for it as it basically comes with that as a standard option with the 9x5.5 so it would be crazy to do a 10x5", they'd need to make a 6" alternative as that's what it will be missing sadly.  Perhaps a nice little 5" round solid could come our way.  I hope I'm not in fantasy land on this although it's probably a couple of years away ?

We are almost mid November and no detectors have even started to be shipped from manufacturer to dealer yet, with none on their way it's not looking like November, times ticking for December and if they haven't started shipping by the start of December it's not looking likely before Christmas, then dealers start to close for a few weeks here so it's all over until late January.

Even if Minelab used something super fast and expensive like DHL it would take 7-10 days to get from Australia to USA, although they probably ship direct from Malaysia.  I can imagine customs is slower this time of year than any other with the flow of Christmas gifts rolling in and stock for retailers coming in on mass from China.

So my theory is if they're not starting to be shipped by the 1st of December, we are unlikely to get one for Christmas then I will be sad, very sad.  I also want the accessory coils for it at the same time!!! don't disappoint Minelab, you've done enough of that lately.

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5 minutes ago, phrunt said:

I wonder if they'll let Coiltek make coils for it, if they do it's going to be roles reversed, Coiltek won't need to make their 10x5" for it as it basically comes with that as a standard option with the 9x5.5 so it would be crazy to do a 10x5", they'd need to make a 6" alternative as that's what it will be missing sadly.  Perhaps a nice little 5" round solid could come our way.  I hope I'm not in fantasy land on this an it's probably a couple of years away ?

We are almost mid November and no detectors have even started to be shipped from manufacturer to dealer yet, with none on their way it's not looking like November, times ticking for December and if they haven't started shipping by the start of December it's not looking likely before Christmas, then dealers start to close for a few weeks here so it's all over until late January.

Even if Minelab used something super fast and expensive like DHL it would take 7-10 days to get from Australia to USA, although they probably ship direct from Malaysia.  I can imagine customs is slower this time of year than any other with the flow of Christmas gifts rolling in and stock for retailers coming in on mass from China.

So my theory is if they're not starting to be shipped by the 1st of December, we are unlikely to get one for Christmas then I will be sad, very sad.  I also want the accessory coils for it at the same time!!! don't disappoint Minelab, you've done enough of that lately.

I don't think Minelab can stop CoilTek from making their own coils for the Manticore.  Although, from what I've heard, it takes CoilTek a year or longer to get something into production.

How do you know the Manticore isn't already being shipped to dealers or about to be shipped?  I suspect if the Release Date is November 30th that the first shipments will be in national distributors warehouses and maybe dealers hands before they announce.  It would be silly to announce release and have no product for customers to immediately buy.

I don't think dealers close down for weeks on end here in the U.S. for the winter or Christmas.  The dealer my order is with said they ship directly from the distribution centers to the customer so the dealer never even sees the unit.   In Oz aren't you in the beginnings of summer there?  Surely dealers will be open over there.

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5 minutes ago, PSPR said:

I don't think Minelab can stop CoilTek from making their own coils for the Manticore.  Although, from what I've heard, it takes CoilTek a year or longer to get something into production.

Yes they can, as Minelab controls the coil chipping, just like with Equinox. But I think Minelab may have seen the light on this, and will be more proactive in working with aftermarket people like Coiltek now, than they were with equinox.

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