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Nice, even got a date on the token. ?

Odd that even then they had to be told where the seat was... ? ?

Great hunt!

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Wow!   Those are great finds.  For me, even though I live in North Carolina, I live in an area that had little or no civil war activity.  I’d love to find some civil war relics like that.  

As far as disc vs. notch, my take is this, (and please correct me if I’m wrong):

Disc is basically a tone break so setting disc at 40 everything 40 and below will give a low tone just like iron.   

Notch is different in that if your disc is set at, say, 7 and you notch from 7-40,  anything below 7 will come in with a low tone and anything from 7-40 will be silent.  

Whether one way or the other unmasks better in iron is, I think, still up for debate.  I know some have posted that notching unmasks better, but I don’t think anyone’s got any actual proof of that.  However since everything 7-40 is silent using notch, you may hear a high blip easier than if you just had your disc set at 40.  

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7 hours ago, NCtoad said:

As far as disc vs. notch, my take is this, (and please correct me if I’m wrong):
Disc is basically a tone break so setting disc at 40 everything 40 and below will give a low tone just like iron.   

Notch is different in that if your disc is set at, say, 7 and you notch from 7-40,  anything below 7 will come in with a low tone and anything from 7-40 will be silent.  

Whether one way or the other unmasks better in iron is, I think, still up for debate.  I know some have posted that notching unmasks better, but I don’t think anyone’s got any actual proof of that.  However since everything 7-40 is silent using notch, you may hear a high blip easier than if you just had your disc set at 40.  

I'm outa likes, but I think you are correct, NCt. The debate is raging about Notch vs Disc and it just gets more confusing as everyone has a different opinion.

For me the audio is the key, so I keep Disc as low as possible to try and not send good targets into the iron sound zone. But when I started using some notch, that's when targets I never noticed before started coming through.

For some hunting, I know it's better to run wide open and allow as many sounds through as possible, but at some point it all just blends together making it harder to pick out the good targets.

I also know if you Notch, you will miss anything in the Notched zone, but for some types of hunting it is very useful to suppress certain sounds to allow more desired sounds to pop through the noise.

I wish I knew the answer to the secret sauce of Disc and Notch, but as it varies so much for each soil type and hunting type and target type, we may never know for sure. I think it will boil down to the best blends of Disc and Notch (or no Notch) for your own area and targets sought, which will only be discovered after a lot of hunting over time.

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