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Tiny 1 Gram Gold Ring

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Very impressive, both your hunt skill and the machine's depth. I know what you're talking about when you say there was just "something" in the audio.

Most times I can't ignore that "something" and have dug a lot of trash because of it. But every so often....

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Impressive depth on the Manticore. Nice gold ring too.

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The more I use the machine the more I am impressed. I ran the Nox 800 for about 4 years and I will honestly say the Manticore is deeper at least on my salt beaches. Where I was hunting yesterday and the day before, there were no fresh drops and other people hunt the place so I knew I had to explore anything with a "reasonable" audio sound. All the coins are deep. I went back again hoping for another gold but just deep coins that have been there for a while. Most are encrusted and black. The fishhook and bottle caps all had iron grunts so no surprise when I dug them.


PCB junk.jpeg

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When you beach hunters dig up a heavily black encrusted coin or piece of jewelry, is it a given that it has a high silver content?

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There are only 2 beaches that I hunt where the water doesn't move much. One is in a large harbor and the other in a bay. The coins I find there are usually deep and have not moved around much by wave action. They build up a heavy crusty surface around the entire coin that can be broken off. Any silver coins (that are rare for me here) or silver jewelry has a black patina but are not heavily encrusted. I can usually tell right away if it is silver jewelry. Here is a picture of some black silver. I did electrolysis on one ring to see what it looked like.

silver black.jpeg

silver encrusted 1.jpeg

silver encrusted 2.jpeg

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Good finds on the ring. I know what you mean on digging those iffy signals.

Yes the Manticores does seem to go deeper. Three scoops is a pretty deep find. Hope you weren't dealing with wave action when digging ?

The water is still cold here in Pensacola. I went yesterday but didn't get out too deep. Thinking of breaking out the wet suit and will try to go deeper to see if I can find that elusive ring like the beauty you found. Congrats!


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Nice one!
I've once found a 0.8g gold ring with the Nox - as far as I remember, it had an ID of 1, just on the edge to iron/coke, but something told me to dig.

How's the coil doing in the surf/ with wet sand?
I'm a little bit concerned, it'll produce a lot of drag, because of all those braces. Second fear's about all that sand sticking to it. Due to the bracing, the coil has a lot of surface area.. The nox - with less bracing - already collects a lot of sand, which makes the detector feel significantly heavier after some time. The Deus coil for example, collects a lot less sand, and it doesn't seem to stick as nasty as it does on the nox. Probably due to different surface finish / material ?‍♂️

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Sinclair Asked...     How's the coil doing in the surf/ with wet sand?

It feels like a little more drag in the water. But maybe it's a blessing in disguise as the slower your swing speed is, your ID is supposed to be better as well as less falsing. The Manti coil cover comes off easier than the Nox, and I haven't taken any measurements, but it appears to be slightly thinner than the Nox, therefore not holding as much sand. 

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