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What Items Do You Find Near Jewelry At The Beach?

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Hi all - im mainly a beach hunter these days and I'm curious if you all have noticed any specific types of items in the areas you find jewelry.

The beaches I hunt seem to stack up items in one or two areas but I haven't noticed any patterns yet for what types of items would be found near jewelry. Im assuming it might depend on the material type for jewelry. That being said, i do notice that i have days i find quarters, days i find nickels, days i find pennies, and days for dimes... i seem to find dramatically  more of one single coin type than i do on others but it really varies day to day on which kind i find.

Also, we've all heard of coin lines and I'm curious if you find items like coins in horizontal lines or vertical lines? Most of my beach finds seem to come more in short 50 ft (horizontal) by 30 ft (vertical) areas and then nothing on the entire rest of the beach. I did however have one day where i was finding coins and jewelry in a horizontal line around 10 ft wide and 200 ft long. On that day i found 5 rings, a gold cross, and some other random jewelry.

I'm hoping others may be able to shed light on patterns to look for when looking for rings. For the past two months all of my finds have come from the same small section of beach regardless of the day, tides, sand levels, etc.

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You have described pretty well some of the days I have on the Southern California beaches.  I believe this happens because of wave/energy actions.  I consider the beaches a big gold pan and nature is supplying the jiggle to separate the concentrates.

What makes me slow down for jewelry?  Greenies!

Give me a patch with some crusty quarters and I'll try to get them all.

I hit a few beaches that are close to me and produce.  I thought I knew what would turn them on over the last few years.  As it turns out I've become very disappointed with my understanding of these beaches.  They've stopped producing during this time of Pineapple Expresses.  The shape of the beach, the slope and the bars have frustrated me more lately rather than rewarded me.

I've had to go to other beaches that I don't know as well and that takes an adjustment in style which is a hit or miss proposition.  Some of the fun is missing and more of the work has entered my brain lately.

Some of the old timers from the 60s and 70s will tell you some real stories about what you find with jewelry.  I only have a few great days.

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On 3/23/2023 at 11:14 PM, 619_805_okie said:

I'm curious if you all have noticed any specific types of items in the areas you find jewelry.

I have been hunting the same beach a long time. There really is more of a correlation to conditions rather than where targets are. My beach is rough, but differences between calm days and an extended wave event can really move targets. 
As a general rule, chains stay low on the slope and gold rings and coins can be found anywhere from top of the slope to the bottom of the trough. 
My tides change less than 12" from high to low, but hunting low tide can be better.
The key might be to see where targets are on a given day and hunt that region. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
8 hours ago, StarVatrex said:

...Gold is everywhere! Just, go out and dig.

There's no pattern to follow. Specific weight is high, that the only guide.

Study your beach, winds, tides, bathing areas. And a little luck!...



The rocks really do trap gold near the surf, but there are times when the rocks get washed up and the heavy gold with it. It also doesn't help when things get sanded in; rocks and gold just get buried beyond the range of my detector. 

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39 minutes ago, Sirius said:

The rocks really do trap gold near the surf, but there are times when the rocks get washed up and the heavy gold with it. It also doesn't help when things get sanded in; rocks and gold just get buried beyond the range of my detector. 


Learn to use your detector. Listen to their language. Low tones, all metal, threshold...

Low recovery speed, no iron filters, no bottle cup reject, go down your break tone...a world of things! Take your time.

Deep old gold sounds like iron, you can see negative ID's ... don't worry.

Trust your ear!!!

Your Items: old/green coins, fisher weight, iron, perhaps silver...






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10 hours ago, StarVatrex said:

...Gold is everywhere! Just, go out and dig.

There's no pattern to follow. Specific weight is high, that the only guide.

Study your beach, winds, tides, bathing areas. And a little luck!...



Not so sure about that one .!!! Not saying it is because it's not in my hands or tested it. But EVERY ring that l have found that looks like that is brass. FAKE. But it will show up in that diagram ya got there.

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