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I Hope Coiltek Make Manticore Coils, And If So What Sizes Would Be Best?


Coiltek Manticore Coil Wish List  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Smaller size coil would you prefer?

  2. 2. Which Mid size coil would you prefer?

  3. 3. Which Large size coil would you prefer?

    • 17x13"
    • 15"
    • Other - Feel free to answer in comments
    • None

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So as we sit waiting impatiently for Minelab to bother to release the promised accessory coils for the Manticore it occurred to me that perhaps Coiltek already have the ball rolling in the background at least thinking about which coils they will make for it, assuming like the Nox and CTX Coiltek actually make coils for it.

This means now might be the only opportunity we have to try and influence their decision as to which coils they provide.... So hopefully @Coiltek join the conversation and follow on with interest in our discussion.

For me personally with Minelab releasing the 8x5.5" I'm not so sure I'd bother buying a 10x5" if they released that size, the 10x5" on the Nox series by Coiltek is a great coil, but with it being so similar in size to the standard offering for the Manticore and the standard coil being slightly smaller I'd personally buy the Minelab coil.

I never bought the 14x9" as it seemed more designed for water hunters and was weighted for doing so and the 15" round although I would absolutely love to own that coil I thought it was possibly a bit heavy when compared to the 15x12" standard Minelab coil which I use the most on the Nox. 

On the CTX I love the 17x13" coil and use it a lot, rarely using the 11" coil so with the Manticore so far appearing to be a very deep machine too perhaps it would benefit from this size also, so in that case my decision would be the 17x13" For the Manticore, along with a 6.5x3.5" especially if it was a solid coil, perfect for prospecting and would be excellent for high trash coin and jewellery hunting too.

I wouldn't buy a mid sized coil, the 11" stock does that job well enough.

So feel free to do the poll, if I'm missing an obvious one let me know and I'll add it on, and please comment below about your choices and reasoning as I hope we can in some way influence which coils Coiltek make, or at least give them some information from a users perspective which coils we would prefer.


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For the small coils I agree with you, I probably wouldn't get a 10x5, Id prefer the 8x5.5.  If I were to get a smaller coil then that id probably want the 6x3.5.

For mid coil I would stick to the 11".

For the large coil I would consider a 15".  Any larger I would be concerned about extra weight causing it to be imbalanced. 

With your ctx do you think the extra weight from the battery pack mitigates the weight from a larger coil?

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A 6 inch round would be nice I'd probably get one...12-10 sounds interesting but I don't know if I'd get one as for me the 11" and the standard large coil they (minelab)  supposedly have coming out are large enough for what I do.  


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5 hours ago, Yatahaze323 said:

With your ctx do you think the extra weight from the battery pack mitigates the weight from a larger coil?

Yes, I find the 17x13" is quite well balanced on the CTX, some don't like it, I find it good.  I rarely use my 11" on the CTX.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PLEASE bring back a 4" round coil.... I had a 4.5 on my atipro and WOW, I could get that in everywhere.

the 6 on my 800, and the small one on the CTX  allowed increase sens and/or stuffing it up in, around, under ,behind, next to all those great places stuff falls and remains hidden for years. or just go hog wild in spots where barns houses burned down or got raised instead of skipping them due to iron infestation 

 midsize, I'm wanting to try a 10x5ish something, those longer oval coils, went with a few who've used them and I can see the advantages in covering ground and pinpointing, large coils...pretty much my love affair ends at 15, swung some massive 20something, but wth..too much, felt like those dudes with 52" tires on lifted truck and chrome 8" stacks.....  but I would love a 4" for the manti for some precision work.....and lesson learned, I've always bought the big stupid coil first and wind up using the smaller one the most...c'mon ML, bring out the coils ffs

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  • 3 months later...

I wonder what can the 15 inch coil can gain apart from better coverage. I mean the 11 inch coil on Manticore obviously has  max out the depth it can detect and its not even need very high sensitivity setting to achieve that, at least in my experience and soil with possibly insanely high price.. I don't know if its worth it. 

Since Manticore is awesome in EMI handling, I'm curious if it does makes any difference which for me when I used the 15 inch coil on the equinox, I didn't get any advantage over the 11 inch coil mostly because of the EMI limitation.


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4" round please

Nothing is equal in trash sites, nothing-

and I recall reading something that ML wold be the only one doing coils, something to do with..chips, or something.. can't recall.   Minelab aussie speak translates into drop the ball ?

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