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Axiom Ground Balance Numbers In Different Modes?

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When I change modes on my Axiom and re ground balance in exactly the same spot I noticed that the ground balance numbers change quite a bit, and that the top number was in numerical order but the bottom wasn’t. Here are the numbers with the following settings-sensitivity 3, tracking off, speed slow standing in the same spot on my proprty-  Fine-50/27, normal 59/31, large 62/25.

I repeated it 5-6 times in 3 different areas & I expected it to change some because of different timings but was suprised at how much it jumped. Also changing sensitivity didnt affect it much, it was always +/- 1 on the top and bottom numbers if it changed at all, that part seems normal to me.  

I am now more curious about this than when I first noticed it because I shipped my Axiom to Garrett today for inspection because no matter where I was or what settings I tried the threshold always had the same “chatter”, not a smooth up/down oscillation but almost a slow morse code sounding random chatter that sounds like noticable but faint targets, the only way it would go away is if sensitivity was lowered to 1 or 2 in ALL settings except salt which I didnt try. This first happened Around my property and I chalked it up to EMI because its there while the coil is stationary or moving and I was like 75 yards from the house but after trying a bunch of spots it was exactly the same everywhere including a 40 mile trip up into the mountains like 25 miles from the nearest power lines or civilization to test it, same exact “chatter”. Now im starting to wonder if the gb number change is related somehow? I dont have access to another axiom to compare to so....

My question is if this gb number change is similar on other Axioms? Has anyone else noticed this? 

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ill give it a go on mine this weekend.   Keep us posted on what happens when you hear back from garrett or get your machine back.   Iv got some weird (to me) audio/threshold quirks that I have yet to understand and like you I dont have another one around to test out against.  

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Credit to Steve for the image file, but this is what the numbers basically mean.  This could help a bit if the number ranges you were seeing did not correspond to the type of ground you have around your house. I have a laminated copy of this with me as I learn the machine.


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3 hours ago, Gomb said:

My Axiom always changed numbers after changing modes. Never affected the way the machine ground balanced or operated. 

OK, Thanks. Its probably completely normal. It makes sense that it would change some but when I started really paying attention to everything because of trying to figure out if my threshold issue was operator error or not, I was suprised at how much it varied.


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By the way Garrett customer service has been very prompt and helpful so far, they have responded quickly to my questions. I will report back in a couple of weeks after I get my Axiom back.

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