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Nice finds there dogo, especially the fox hunt button.

It immediately reminded me of this two piece button found at my favourite relic site in my home town here in South Oz. Also late 1700’s.

I am yet to ID the maker as the backmarks are very faint.



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Bootscrape, If it help's the fox was a symbol of liberty during the colonial days in the US, Maybe the same in Oz. 

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Cheers, I wasn’t aware of the symbol for liberty aspect. From what I researched on my button, ( British Button Society ), it’s definitely from a fox hunting jacket, but even those experts couldn’t ID the maker. I may have a rare one of.....

Here’s a pic of the backmarks with some tailors pencil applied.

You can clearly see the symbols... crossed swords, archer’s bow?.... axe? and definitely a crown. It’s got a lot of experts stumped. If any of you relic hunters have any clues, I would love to know.

Thanks and apologies if I’m imposing on dogodog’s thread.


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3 hours ago, Bootscrape said:

You can clearly see the symbols... crossed swords, archer’s bow?.... axe? and definitely a crown. It’s got a lot of experts stumped. If any of you relic hunters have any clues, I would love to know.

Those markings look more like a map, as I see a chair on the left, a horn at the bottom, a place where some creeks or rivers meet, and then the x marks the spot.

I could be wrong or just looking at it the wrong way, but I just don't see the crown.

Wish you luck on finding out what it is.

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