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So…my second day with the Legend.  Decided to go down to a seasonal creek on my property that the 1/4 mile driveway to my residence passes over.  I have to set the scene…Now when I purchased this place in 2011, this creek area was in a condition that I would describe as the Wilds of Alabama.  One couldn’t actually see the creek on either side due to the overgrowth of vegetation.  Nasty place…briars, gotcha-vines, poisonous this and that to include Jake.  The one good thing is this area has the best soil on my 35 acres.   Over one springtime I cleared it all out, and using decent sized limestone rocks from the property constructed two opposing “levees” about 20’ apart, and a dam approximately 3’ high at the most eastern end.  I planted a bunch of ground cover, and some crab apple trees, and put in a bench.  The whole babbling brook area is about 100’ in length.

So, keeping my find ANY junk settings, I start swinging away.  My first find was a nice piece of wire.  It looked like a bread wrapper without the plastic covering.  Not one to become discouraged so quickly I start swinging away again and I get a hit showing 52 and a nice clear tone.  I dig me a hole in some nice soft loamy soil, flip the lid over, and stuff my pinpointer into the abyss.  A solid tone with continuous vibration.  And there it is…CHA CHING!  A beautiful 2017 Frederick Douglas quarter!  I snap a pic and send it to Commander in Chief.  How does she respond?  ‘Wow!  Great Job Honey!”, or “Awesome!”.  Nope…her motivational response was simply “2017”.  Now that’s a ball buster huh?  🤣😂🤣

In one spot I also found several coke cans, a spam can, some glass jars, a piece of nylon rope, and a leather boot.  I kinda got concerned for a bit when I found the piece of rope and boot, but I didn’t smell anything rotten.  The last item I pulled out of this trash dump was a car shock absorber… I was unable to ascertain make or model.

Tomorrow is a new day!  Be Safe!




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Sounds like progress to me.

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