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Almost Didn't Dig This

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23 minutes ago, Steelheader said:

I went to a local park in Albany, OR last Sunday.  I wasn't having much luck, with mostly trash and a few clad coins.  I was digging a lot of the older square tabs which come in at around 75 on my Deus 2.  I got another signal with a 75 target ID, and I figured that it was another of the older square tabs.  I almost passed it up, but then I decided that I might as well dig it up.  Boy, was I ever surprised!  It was a 10K gold girls class ring from 1957.   It was about 6 inches deep.   It weighs 7.5 grams.  This is the third gold ring for me this year.  Every gold ring that I have found over the years I have been metal detecting, I was sure that they were going to be some kind of trash.  You have to dig a lot of trash to find the gold.


Wow that's a beauty!

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Congrats on the awesome find!  I agree that you usually have to dig a lot of trash to find gold, especially, in a park, lake or dry beach sand.

One nice thing about hunting in the wet beach sand after heavy erosion has taken place is that the lighter trash like aluminum and bottle caps often get washed away leaving heavier targets behind and the gold to trash ratio can gold way up.

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Excellent choice to go ahead and dig it up. Even if it was another of those square tabs, at least you wouldn't have to deal with it again next time. Have you given any thought to try to find the owner, or heirs? I bet someone would be mighty excited to see that after all those years...

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My wife said that she would do some research on it to see if she could find out anything, but being that old, I don’t think there is much chance.  I tried to find the owner of a previous class ring that I found that was a lot more recent, and didn’t have any luck finding the owner.

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7 hours ago, rvpopeye said:

NICE looking pull tab  ! ?? WTG !!

Yeah, he got the ring part, but missed the tab! ?

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