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Selectable Frequencies Or Smf

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Assume the last remaining metal detector manufacturer produced only two (2) models of the same detector with all the same features; the only adjustments you could make were ground balance, EMI and volume control. All the other features, filters, the coil, etc are identical but factory set & locked and not adjustable plus there is only one (1) all-terrain/all-target search mode.

The only difference between the two detectors is one offers a range (4 thru 60) of Simultaneous Multi Frequency (SMF); the second detector offers multiple selectable frequencies (4, 5, 7, 10, 15, 18, 30, 40, 50, 60) which you select. 

Just before the last manufacturer files for bankruptcy they offer a midnight sale with free international shipping but you are limited to only one (1) of remaining two (2) metal detectors.

Which Metal Detector would you purchase and why ?


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The answer is “it depends on the situation” (in a nutshell, I am mostly running SMF because of the advantages associated with more stable operation across a variety of soil/sand/salt/water conditions and more stable IDs, but like the option to switch to SF due to EMI conditions or when focused on a narrow target conductivity window).  And since fortunately there are at least 10 “mainstream” detector models (some at very affordable price points) that give you both SMF and switchable single frequency (Garrett Apex, Minelab Nox 600, 700, 800, and 900, Minelab Manticore, Nokta Legend, XP Deus 2, and the two latest Quest models), I fortunately don’t have to make that choice and am not forced to ponder this hypothetical.  In other words, I no longer give consideration to detectors that don’t have both multiple SMF modes and selectable multiple frequencies  The fact that the coil frequency options of these real detectors don’t exactly line up with or encompass the entire range and discrete frequency settings you arbitrarily listed, makes little, if any, difference (i.e., the fact that 7, 18, 50, and 60 kHz are absent on most of these detectors, makes little difference in performance IMO). Maybe someone will give you a more thoughtful answer.  I’m inherently lazy.  :smile:

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Same for me. I am ignoring your hypothetical situation since at the moment I don’t have to make that kind of choice since the latest and greatest give me both all wrapped up into one detector. 

Before the Equinox models were released back in 2018, I would have and did make that choice, picking the XP Deus original version with the HF elliptical coil over an Etrac after being very disappointed with the other available SMFs from Minelab and Whites.  Thank heaven that the Equinox saved my detecting hobby a few months later. 

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You two do realize that the MD vendors don’t just give these detectors away in lien of fees to any old divorce attorney. Without full disclosure nothing typed regarding this topic can be used in a court of law on my side of the Mississippi….unless duly stipulated in a prior pre-nuptials or you happen to reside in community property state.

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Just buy her a detector too.?

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“Gee!” she exclaimed “We have so much in common, let’s settle down and be happy.” “You spent this month’s rent money on what !”

When we parted ways she got the truck. As the cat and I watched her drive away we both noticed all our happy toys in the bed.

Due my recent relocation into a remote mountain shack my claimant base is shrinking. I need to drum up some future work before the cat freezes or worse. There’s still has got to be some real men left in this world, let them stand up and their voices be heard…typed.

Now let’s get back on the “hypothetical’ topic:

Which one of the last two (2) metal detectors on the planet (selectable or SMF, free international shipping) would you purchase and why?



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SMF is inherently superior to single frequency for all but niche applications. This is easily shown by how few Equinox users actually use the single frequency modes. I run mine near exclusively in SMF mode. I suspect the same is true of Deus 2 and Legend owners. For that reason I would choose the SMF exclusive machine over a dedicated selectable frequency machine.

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On 11/17/2023 at 12:49 AM, HardPack said:

You two do realize that the MD vendors don’t just give these detectors away in lien of fees to any old divorce attorney. 

Yeah, I do realize that, that's why I mentioned "affordable" in my post.

Nokta has forced the market's hand such that cost is not an overriding concern if you want to have your cake and you want to eat it too.

The Legend whose features and performance rival both high end Equinox models and can be obtained for as low as $450, which is an incredible value.   The forthcoming Nokta Score models will have both SMF and selectable single frequency capabilities for even less (but with less features and modes than Legend), driving cost down towards the most affordable selectable single frequency machine at the moment, the Minelab Xterra Pro at about $260.  The price gap is rapidly shrinking...

Anyway, the rationale for why SMF over selectable single frequency (which I think is the gist of your hypothetical) was included in my post.

Anyway, the name of the game now as far as detectors are concerned is focused on versatility and value rather than specialized, expensive niche detectors.  Keeping the end user, including beginning detectorists and those who want to make a minimal investment without sacrificing capability, from having to make the choice in your hypothetical.

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