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Question For The Oz Blokes

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I sort of remember hearing of a person that just bought a detector and was practicing in his front yard with it and found a nugget that looked like a boot. I don't know if that was true, but they said it was worth about a million when I heard the story.

Does anyone else know if that was true or not.

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On 12/1/2023 at 12:04 AM, Valens Legacy said:

I sort of remember hearing of a person that just bought a detector and was practicing in his front yard with it and found a nugget that looked like a boot. I don't know if that was true, but they said it was worth about a million when I heard the story.

Does anyone else know if that was true or not.

The Boot of Cortez - the guy bought a basic metal detector from RadioShack and paid it off pretty quickly!

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On 11/30/2023 at 8:52 AM, Jim McCulloch said:

I recently heard a reference to a story about an Australian man who found over a million dollars in gold ore in his backyard. Does anyone know if that is true? Thanks!

Jim- didn’t you find one of those in your backyard also? ?

The guy in Mexico who used a RS detector to find the 389oz Boot of Cortez (and sold it for just $30k to his boss) let go of a $1.3M + nugget (valued from its 2008 auction).

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