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Manticore Up Date

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Quick post before I head off to work...is there a verdict on doing the Manticore version 2 up date? I've finally got hold of the smaller coil and i have some places I want to try it out on... I remember Andrew @abenson having some trouble with the up date and I have been reluctant to try it. The guy I bought the coil from is a dealer and frequently uses his M-Core and stated that he thought the Up date was a good thing... so If you did the up date what are your thoughts? 


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I updated mine last weekend and used it 2 times on beaches in Maui. The main thing that I noticed was that I only dug 2 tent stakes over 8 hours of detecting. Prior to the update I dug many stakes every time out. I have a huge pile of them in my garage.

I feel it ran smoother in the salt water after the update too. On dry sand I didn't notice any performance differences (other than not digging a bunch of tent stakes).

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53 minutes ago, strick said:

Quick post before I head off to work...is there a verdict on doing the Manticore version 2 up date? I've finally got hold of the smaller coil and i have some places I want to try it out on... I remember Andrew @abenson having some trouble with the up date and I have been reluctant to try it. The guy I bought the coil from is a dealer and frequently uses his M-Core and stated that he thought the Up date was a good thing... so If you did the up date what are your thoughts? 


I've stayed with the update. In mild ground I don't think there is any issues with the update. But in higher mineral ground I have problems. Minelab claims that when stabilizer is off, it shouldn't affect performance and be just like the old version. I beg to differ. That being said, in talking to one of the engineers at Minelab, he had me try a few adjustments to my settings. I ended up increasing my recovery speed to 5 or 6 and reducing my sensitivity to 19 or 20. That seemed to work and I'm happy running the update. Before the update I could get away with running recovery down to 3 or 4 and sensitivity up to 22 or 23. If I do that with the update I lose serious depth and target ID is all over the place on deeper targets.

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Thanks for the quick response. The dealer I talked with mentioned running at 17 sensitivity and digging dimes at 10 inches...i usually don’t go below 5 recovery speed anyways get plenty of depth with that ....thanks Andrew....maybe I’ll give it a try. 


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I'm currently running with the most recent software (aka 'update').  I did some cross checking in my test garden, swapping between original and recent software update and didn't notice anything.  The only thing in the update I'm aware of that even interests me is the Stabilizer feature but I've yet to play around with it enough to determine it matters.  (Probably does under the right conditions....)  I've run it at values 0 and 4.  I tested settings 9 and 10 in the garden and those seriously cost depth for coins in my ground.  The 'stabilizer filter' with my tone settings sounds absolutely horrible.  It's going to take some strong convincing before I ever turn it on again.

FWIW I typically operate in either All Terrain General or (preferably) All Terrain High Conductors.  I run sensitivity 17 and recovery speed 4.  Those work well in my local sites (and test garden).

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My experience, test garden results, were very similar to @abenson.  So I went back to the old version and put off using the update until just recently.  But, because I do hope to have an M8 while I'm still young enough to use it, and want to take it nugget hunting this spring, I just a couple of weeks ago reinstalled the update so that I could start getting used to it.  As @abenson has shown it to be better for small gold with the M8.

I only have four or five short park hunts and mostly with the M15 since reinstalling.  I forgot to turn off the stabilizer on the first hunt and was reminded again how much it effects the audio in a way I don't like (I always run 1 region all tones).  Running it with stabilizer off, still seems "different" somehow.  But I'll get used to it.  I have been running it with higher Recovery and lower Sensitivity, as most of even my park dirt is pretty mineralized and I saw the effects of these adjustments pretty clearly in my coin garden.  Turning up Recovery and down Sensitivity for better depth and ID is not intuitive for a Nox user!

Not enough hours or enough varied conditions with it yet to have a firm opinion.  But I've not recovered anything particularly deep with it yet in the few hunts so far (mostly using the M15).  Other than believing Andy on the small gold improvement, I'm still leaning towards preferring the previous software version.  I can almost see myself going back again and only using the newest version for nugget hunting.  But, I'm going to let it ride for awhile this time, give it a more of a chance.  I really don't see any improvement to anything, at all, with it in my park hunting so far though.

- Dave

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Version 1 will do me . A recent trip with the M8 saw me digging gold so small it will not register on my scales . I don't want to detect any smaller !



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1 hour ago, Hunterjunk said:

Version 1 will do me . A recent trip with the M8 saw me digging gold so small it will not register on my scales . I don't want to detect any smaller !



I hear ya buddy! I'm detecting stuff so small at the beach with the 11" that I can't find it. Keeps falling through the scoop holes, so I narrow the target down to a small handful of sand out of my scoop and I still can't find it. Time to start carrying a pinpointer I guess, but if it's that small, it's not the jewelry I'm looking for anyway. 

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