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Tekkna For The Deus 2, First Impression (Updated 3)

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6 minutes ago, Naildiggerpro said:

Well I tried Gary’s tekkna program out today , I went to an old cellar hole that I’ve been to a lot with the deus 2 and before that with my old whites dfx with every coil that came with it. I hit it with the silver slayer program and countless other ones also, I’ve found a lot of old coins here but in last year there hasn’t been much. Anyways not to keep rambling but there is about a 10 foot are square in the front of the cellar hole and I go over that every time I’m there and today with the new program it rang out clear as a bell and out popped a 1872ih in near perfect condition , I don’t know how this program did that with the settings that he has but I’m a believer in it now ?

Hey thanks for playing and contributing! Very cool. Maybe it was on edge and the higher reactivity caught it.

Silver Slayer was a great program, are you on V2?

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I’m not sure if it was on edge I couldn’t find it with my pinpointer because there was so many nails in the hole so I just dug and piled dirt up until I found it. Wish I would have taken my time to see how it was in the ground though , and yeah I just loaded the version 2.0 when I put his program in, I probably wouldn’t have if Gary wouldn’t have said that’s how he had his setup . Before that I ran the silver slayer program almost all the time which is also a pretty good setup!

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Thanks for the report F350. I gave it a try myself Sunday morning. What I find scary is that I also lowered the Iron Volume to 7 and the Reactivity to 2.5 and raised the Audio to 5. ? But I didn’t sniff out any Spanish silver. I did recover a nice tombac though. With using all that Disc, I did like the fact that I wasn’t tempted to dig as many bent square nails as I normally would be tempted to dig. It’s not the program to end all programs but I’ll play with it some more. I think more than anything, because it was “different” I slowed down a bit and concentrated on the slightly different audio responses, and that helped me find a few targets from a worn out site. I used the 9" coil this time. I started with Reactivity of 3, dropped it to 1 for the heck of it, but that made the deeper iron hit harder, and settled on 2.5 for most of the hunt.



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7 hours ago, Lodge Scent said:

Thanks for the report F350. I gave it a try myself Sunday morning. What I find scary is that I also lowered the Iron Volume to 7 and the Reactivity to 2.5 and raised the Audio to 5. ? But I didn’t sniff out any Spanish silver. I did recover a nice tombac though. With using all that Disc, I did like the fact that I wasn’t tempted to dig as many bent square nails as I normally would be tempted to dig. It’s not the program to end all programs but I’ll play with it some more. I think more than anything, because it was “different” I slowed down a bit and concentrated on the slightly different audio responses, and that helped me find a few targets from a worn out site. I used the 9" coil this time. I started with Reactivity of 3, dropped it to 1 for the heck of it, but that made the deeper iron hit harder, and settled on 2.5 for most of the hunt.



Thanks for jumping in, Lodge!

I'm pretty sure it was pure coincidence and luck, I hope you do find some silver of any kind. ?

That is scary, but I'm not surprised. ? The adjustments you made are logical. Remember also that you only dig targets that give a consistent and repeatable tone all the way around. That will help dig less iron too, I know he took a chance on one target in the video but he was getting that high tone every time 

I love using Relic, but that high tone when I'm over a huge piece of iron kettle or something really hurts my ears. You can't get away from it because there's no discrimination. When I'm seeing oyster shells on the ground I can count on it now.

I find this program chatty but pleasant, it's great for comfort in heavy trash with those slight adjustments. ?

I am going to create a similar program like the Colonel suggested using General for the moisture subtraction and call it "Gekko" or something, ? I may try @raziel900's idea of dropping the tone break to 35 as well. Heading out to the spot(s) again today to give it a go. I have one area there where the trash is so bad it may just pull something special, i want to find a third of a Trime that got broken there. Honestly if I find anything there at all I'll be sold. That was a place I hit hard with my Equinox and the 10x5.

Chase suggested still higher reactivity like 4, that is also interesting. ? I didn't have that luxury with the Equinox 600.


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Good luck F350. If you sniff out another real, I'll be switching to Tekkna full time. ? I've already set it up "Gekko" in General in anticipation of wet soil conditions this weekend. We have rain coming in tomorrow and it will melt the remaining snow. While I will always hit a site hard with high reactivity settings, it really does lose a lot of depth. With my pounded sites, I'm confident that I've got most of the shallow iron-masked targets. It's the deep iron-masked targets that are  the ones that I am focused on.

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  • The title was changed to Tekkna For The Deus 2, First Impression (updated 1)
23 minutes ago, Lodge Scent said:

Wow! Good work there F350. Yeah I will definitely play with that set up some more. I will even try Reactivity at 4 ?.

If there's a lot of iron, I guess that's the trick. This place was hyper saturated with it, so I'm grateful I got some nicer coins, when I tore it up with the Nox all I got were pennies.

I'll have to wait to do Gekko, ? it's going to rain tomorrow.

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