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Am I Overthinking This?

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Together with a few friends I’m setting up a YouTube channel with detecting videos. I made a tongue-in-cheek trailer, made up like a David Attenborough nature documentary (including my own, horrible impression of his voice). It’s quite obvious that the whole thing is staged, including a scene where I’ve “found” a gold ring (my own wedding band). 
I showed the video to my friends and one commented “faking finds already?” He may have meant it as a joke, but now I’m worried that I’m risking the integrity of the whole venture because I didn’t think this through. 
Could I please have your thoughts on this? Would an obviously staged find in this context immediately put you off, or would you see it as part of the joke? 

I’m not sure if linking the video is allowed, but if @Steve Herschbach is ok with it, I will. 

Thank you! 

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On topic videos are fine as long as they are embedded (copy and use the YouTube "Share" link) so the videos appear here. My assumption is if people embed videos here they are doing it for the forum instead of just promoting a YouTube channel.

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2 hours ago, SwiftSword said:

Would an obviously staged find in this context immediately put you off, or would you see it as part of the joke? 

Should I see a staged video find on detecting what I would do is just pass on all others from that person. Integrity is the most important thing a person has in life. 

If you have already put that out there please go back and let the people know that you staged it to show what a detector can do, and promise that it will never happen again. Some times finding only junk is better than finding something good if you wish to share the videos.

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First impressions last a long time. I'm glad you are making the effort to put out some videos. I guess it all depends on what & how you want to portray. You could always make a disclaimer in the description.

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