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Makro Gold Racer Headphone Chatter

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Operating the Makro Gold Racer with 5.5x10 coil in All Metal Mode, ground balance 60 to 70; sensitivity 60 to 75; threshold 22; isat 6; tracking 0; low tune: freq shift 3; Sun Ray Pro Gold 150 ohm head phones; fully charged batteries; removed & cleaned coil scuff plate. Ground is wet from recent rain, on level and sloped terrain, no water. When running the scoop over the coil without touching the coil (with the detector on the ground or elevated with coil at angle to ground surface) get a rolling chatter in headset, on two occasions the detector shutoff. With the detector setting on the ground and the coil placed flat on the ground surface the chatter stops. Wrapping my hand around the shaft and coil cable lessens the chatter. Same issue with the stock Makro 35 ohm headset.  When the head phones are unplugged the rolling chatter stops. No other problems with detecting detects boot tacks, lead shot, small lead fragments or small gold. 

What is going on, anyone else had this issue and found the fix?


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I think this is a known issue with the headphone socket on some of them, this is why I have passed up purchasing one for the time being. If you unplug your headphones there shouldn't be any issue, unfortunately, most of us use headphones for a reason.

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12 hours ago, HardPack said:

I have attempted to contact Makro's online Technical Support Unit but keep getting a " 500-Internal Server Error"  and the message fails to transmit. So I just sent Nokta/Makro a PM.  See what happens.

Hello there. We have received your PM. Please send a short video showing the issue if you can to dilek@noktadetectors.com and we will further assist you. Please also include your full name, delivery address and tel number along with the serial number of the device. 

Thank you!

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