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Do You Have Any Targets Stuck In Your Mind That You Need Go Back To ?

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Hi everybody, just wondering how many of us when learning or many other circumstances that come into play have made you walk away from a target iffy or not that plays on your mind that you need to return? Or have gone back and done well on the gold.

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Yes for sure...although I dig most targets I have in the past left targets undug when they sounded " iffy." These days I dig every target unless it's an obvious trash signal when discriminating. Although with time I have learned this is not the thing to do and should dig and clear all targets, iron or ferrous. I have found gold right besides iron, gold below iron and within in between iron. I have also found my largest nugget because a friend told me to finish digging the target I gave up on and was about to fill in the hole. Thankfully my friend was there and forced me to dig an extra 6 inches to uncover this awesome piece. Otherwise someone else would have got it eventually. So these days if i run out of time and have a target, I mark it and come back to it....because you just never know what's down there unless you dig it.

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yep... the lump hammer and chisel and even the slide hammer is struggling.

Need to bring in the heavy artillery.

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G'day Dave,

yep I have done it once, it was back in the SD2000 days and I thought it was going to be junk.  As it was under a big tussock bush and I was pretty sure that someone had thrown something there. So I walked off and kept detecting and about 15 mins later Jen called me over to where that tussock bush was and said I had to dig it out. I told her I reckon it was just junk, but she persisted that I dig it out.  Anyway I dug it out and it turned out to be a 3oz Quartz specie about 14" deep under that tussock bush.    :rolleyes:   The signal was screaming even when the coil was a foot above the tussock bush and this bush was already standing 2 foot above ground level.  



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G'day Dave, Me too, My first over an ounce bit ( actually the one i am holding in my forum pic ) Old rusty rubbish everywhere and a boomer of a signal on the wheel track, Dug down through very compacted ground to about 10" , convinced it was rubbish so refilled the hole, Stood up & waved the coil over it again,  Nuh ! It's buggin me,  I have got to know for sure, pulled out the now loosend dirt and dug a couple more inches and out popped a 44 grammer, Lesson learnt that day.



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On a deep target in light rain and when the rain began to get a bit heavier, I left the target and decided to return the next visit. I never leave a hole unfilled for a number of reasons, but was on private property and figured to be back the next day. This certain target did not have me too excited because the general area had been hunted really hard by many people in the past, including me. For whatever reason I didn't get back to it. A year or so later, I was back at this area and remembered this hole and to my surprise it was exactly as I left it. It was a wake up call when the target was a nice specie just under an ounce, something like 18 dwt with mostly gold and very little quartz.

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Incredible awesome Kiwijw!:biggrin: You're the only kiwi I know!! All awesome stories! D.Dave tell us one of yours :rolleyes:or any Goldhounds targets missed? 

Thanx! Ig

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Some great yarns there you blokes :smile: still to this date I have many yet to go back to, left for various reasons like broken pick, run out of water, and also daylight to get back to camp over country you have no hope of finding your way back in the dark. One did my head in for years, five to be exact :laugh: we have some vid of when I first found this target in solid rock with quartz veins  using the 4000 screamed over the area 3 foot above the ground that a pick just bounced off. Fast forward 5 years we all return to my spot with 2 x7000's a 5000 and extra large sledge hammer some oldtimers rock splitters, The 7000 screamed 5 foot or more above the ground, still not a chance in hell :laugh:. Like Mad tuna said time to upgrade, which we did but, will leave the rest of the yarn till the vid comes out. Another one is Tremains (one of the Goldhounds) a rich small creek with nice solid conglomerate gold in a large area ranging from 4 grams up to 3 ounce nuggets,climbing a boulder the size of a large car as he worked his way upstream his detector screamed. once again, no luck with a pick on the conglomerate boulder, that's another one on the have to go back to list. :smile:  Keep the stories coming, I know I am enjoying the thread of others that have been in the same situation. Or are in that I still need to go back scenario :smile:    

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1 hour ago, idahogold said:

Incredible awesome Kiwijw!:biggrin: You're the only kiwi I know!! All awesome stories! D.Dave tell us one of yours :rolleyes:or any Goldhounds targets missed? Since were on the topic of Targets!, Can you guys chime in"" over on another post about choosing vlf over zed ? I'm new and wondering??? It's at Good weekend with the Gpz

Thanx! Ig

Hi  mate, honestly we don't use any vlf of any description, Steve or Jp would probably be the best to answer that question. I spose they all have some advantage, but yeah everyone to there own I guess, would also depend on what country you are detecting and your primary source of targets. P.s  Hi Ashley, hope you have been finding abit mate :smile:

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Hi JW, well Tremain cut his hand quite badly the other week, so had 2 rounds of micro surgery to attach tendons. But get this they forgot to get him to sign the permission form, so they had to bring him back out to sign the form then put under again to finish the surgery. The moral of the story is, I said to him while your arm is in plaster you have the time to put out another vid. He agreed, as he has time on his hands some would say :smile: so let's see what happens.

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