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GPZ 19" Coil Falsing

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Has anybody had problems with their GPZ 19" coil falsing when hitting rocks or brush?  I sent one back to minelab that was falsing every time I hit it on a rock. Then I get a new one from minelab which they warranted out which I do appreciate minelabs warranty. So I go to try the new one out and that one does it again. What's up with that minelab doesn't anybody test the coils before they send them out? 

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I suspect the falsing you speak of is norm for the 19, probably because of its open design. The polycarbonate skid plate mod cuts this falsing quite a bit, because it stops the coil flexing to a certain extent, if you do a search on this 4M you`ll find the directions to making and fixing one of these. Be assured once you adapt to use the 19 it`ll get the weight if it`s there.

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Norvic you may have hit the nail on the head there.  I was thinking that Road Dog was damn unlucky until you posted and said yours used to false as well.  I fitted the lexan skid plate on day 3 or 4 and I don`t recall my coil has ever falsed.  Road Dog I am not saying the poly carbonate sheet will fix it but Norvic could be onto something.   cheers Dave

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Phoenix, There seems to be two thoughts on this, the polycarbonate stops the flexing or the carbon in the polycarbonate stabilises things. Buggered if I know although I just suspect it cuts a lot of flexing on the ground plane, speculation on just why is just that, I just know it works.

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6 minutes ago, Norvic said:

the polycarbonate stops the flexing

Yeh mate I agree with that.  I have a NF 20" spoked and I thought it was a very flimsy coil until I put the polycarbonate sheet on it. cheers

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I've noticed even the GPZ 14 coil will false when running the sensitivity high, especially in the high yield /difficult combo. Dialing down the sensitivity will fix the issue. 

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Yeah, dialing down the sensitivity does help resolve the falsing in the 19 also but not completely, the polycarb skid plate as a bonus allows you to keep the sensitivity higher, plus it is a bloody tough skid plate. I have found the volume is more critical then sensitivity, once I get above approx. 8 this introduces even more falsing plus internal noises. Well to my hearing and thus I feel as a rough guideline I keep volume below 8 and adjust sensitivity to suit my hearing & comfort.

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Thanks guys I'm just trying to figure it out myself. I have had all kinds of coils for my  GPX 4000 and 4500. I had one coil that was falsing the same way. The windings in the coil were bumping the inside  every time you would hit something. I returned it  and the new one was fine and did not false. For as much as you pay for a coil from minelab there should be no issues with this. Norvic I don't think I can get a skid plate in the US yet.  Do you know if I can get one here in the US?  Or are you saying that I have to make one? 


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 Thanks lunk,

I know that your reserved on your Settings but I am balls to the wall. I always have been since I got the GPX 7000 so turning my sensitivity down doesn't do me any good.  I have not had any issues with my 14 inch coil  though.  I just figured it was a winding problem. 

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