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Clueless And Ill Prepared

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They are very lucky you turned up when you did MT, wonder what there next move would have been if you had not showed. Having no water or communication device?

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If it wasn't for guys like you Steve! And those from the mining company It would be a very sad world.

we would have been reading about it on the news.

"Elderly couple perish in W.A outback due to getting bogged" ect ect

lucky you followed your instincts and went looking for them, you could have just as easy said to yourself " oh well no one home" and left.. then checked up on them a few days later. The outcome may have been very different 

I can understand you being very angry

i guess you see it too many times, and you have had a gutful.. can not blame you one bit

Fingers crossed no more dramas this year.. i doubt it though:blink:

us grey nomads are on the move.

People should understand WHY the pastoralist need to know roughy where we will be, in situations like this, if someone had to notify the authorities, then you guys would have an idea where to begin to look..

they were very very lucky.

now i will wait for your next story Steve

you should write a book.

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HA! No instinct involved Miss Jen, I just wanted find them to give them an earful for camping too close to water. When I saw where their tracks were heading I had a fair idea how I'd find them.

It does become a pain after a while when the fuzz ring asking you to go look for someone or to tow someone out and you have no idea where because they haven't even let you know they are here.

Very disappointed in their lack of gratitude, not saying I want my feet washed and be showered with gifts and have them name their baby after me, but it cost me a tin of tuna, a cup of two minute noodles, a carton of beer, a waste of a day and a half and a crappy nights sleep. Bastards!

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