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Rude People On The Beach Rant

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So I was on the beach yesterday just swingin' the DFX having a great time.  Had my headphones on, minding my own business, when this foreign tourist (sounded like New York) walks right up to me and shows me some wire-looking stuff with a fish hook attached.  She then asks me what to do with it.  Really, lady?  So I stop what I'm doing, take off my headphones, and politely suggest any one of several garbage cans conveniently located just across the dunes. She then asks me which one I use.  Huh?  Still trying to be polite, despite the circumstances, I told her "the one my bike is parked next to".  She then says "I bet you don't throw your garbage away".  Excuse me?  I said "I bet I do" while I pull a handful of bottle caps and can slaw out of my right pocket and show her.  She kind of sniffed and said, "Well maybe you do" and walks on down the beach without another word.  

What is it about swingin' a detector on the beach that makes people think they can say whatever asinine thing to you that pops into their silly heads?  People that would never dream of going up to a complete stranger in say, Wal-mart, and making some rude comment, think it's perfectly fine if you have a detector in your hand.  I have no problem with kids that want to "help" you dig treasure, beach bums asking for your crusty quarters, and the inevitable old salt with a story about the Hopeless Diamond that he dug on that very beach in '72.  But  going out of your way to ruin a beautiful day for someone else is just beyond me.

Rant over.  Thanks ya'll!

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Most people are fairly friendly. Sounds like you got a wierd one maybe with with mental issues. There are lots of unstable people out there... Most times I try to not to make eye contact in order to avoid conversation. Besides it eats into detecting time. Another trick to is pretend you might have a stability issue...sharp twitch of the face or head jerk occasionally will make people thing twice about approaching you. I thought you were going to say that some other treasure hunt cut in front of your grid and stole all your treasure lol 

Have fun out there... thats what it's all about.


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1 hour ago, strick said:

Most people are fairly friendly. Sounds like you got a wierd one maybe with with mental issues. There are lots of unstable people out there... Most times I try to not to make eye contact in order to avoid conversation. Besides it eats into detecting time. Another trick to is pretend you might have a stability issue...sharp twitch of the face or head jerk occasionally will make people thing twice about approaching you. I thought you were going to say that some other treasure hunt cut in front of your grid and stole all your treasure lol 

Have fun out there... thats what it's all about.


I think she was just mad because I didn't offer to relieve her of the fish hook and told her to go dispose of it herself.  I already had a pocket full and didn't need hers!  I am REALLY missing Montana right now.  We go way up in the mountains and sometimes don't see another human for days.

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My beach experience suggests that it's way more women than men who are curious enough to ask a question.  I would recommend beach detecting as an excellent pastime for a single guy - you meet lots of attractive ladies - my wife noticed that right away!

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2 hours ago, Rick Kempf said:

My beach experience suggests that it's way more women than men who are curious enough to ask a question.  I would recommend beach detecting as an excellent pastime for a single guy - you meet lots of attractive ladies - my wife noticed that right away!

Rick, my usual day at the beach seems to be the exact opposite.  Mostly it's the 50-80 year old men who think I'm just dying to show them my finds. And yes, I've gotten some snarky looks from the 50-80 year old women sitting next to them. ("But Sugar Doodle, I'm just asking what kind of detector she has because I want one.")  :laugh:

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It's not only beaches but parks, too!

If I'm not in the mood to socialize I'll start signing in American Sign Language with a normal resting face - wearing headphones! :laugh:

Most people are utterly confused and walk when I do that. And the comments...lol.

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5 hours ago, Deft Tones said:

It's not only beaches but parks, too!

If I'm not in the mood to socialize I'll start signing in American Sign Language with a normal resting face - wearing headphones! :laugh:

Most people are utterly confused and walk when I do that. And the comments...lol.


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any trips i get to the beach involve 6 yr old, 7 yr old, and wife, so I detect from 4am until 7am...not many folks at that hour come pester me.

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Hi Montammie

I have experienced many instances of harassment over the years whilst beach detecting but also many great times.I've had young thugs throwing beer bottles at me,Someone called the police on me one night and told them I was swinging a shotgun.I had a guy run up and grab the detector shaft and start swinging it wildly in front of his mates.But the many nice people far outweighed any issues.Most people showed interest in the hobby or when explained understood the pastime.

Since moving to the goldfields over 7 years its been sweet sailing as there are many like minded people to meet.

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