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Rye Patch Claim Jumpers?

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Hey LuckyLundy,

That wasn't me in RP that you met. I only acquired my claim in 2016 and only have a few weeks a year to prospect..

Some background- Major Corporations have owned Sec 18 since the early 1970's. First by Saundra Lee in 1974, then Apollo Gold, and since 2007 Jipangu Gold Corp. Sec 18 became open to claim in 2016, when Jeff Dunmire acquired and then sold the 20-acre claims.

So basically, if anybody has been metal detecting Sec 18 in the last 40 years without written permission from one of those corporations, they were higrading.

32 minutes ago, Clay Diggins said:

Please learn to do your own due diligence. Please respect mineral owners rights, those minerals are their private property under the law.

Thanks Barry for all your efforts on Land Matters.


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We have been finding a lot of trash in Rye Patch so the area isn't as picked over as it might seem.

Square nails, screws, bottle caps from a long time ago.

Some of this trash a few inches deep so it's obvious that the ground wasn't hit by metal detectors.

And we did find gold on Sunday.

We do need to upgrade from the ATX Pro and are going to be buying 2 of the Minelab GTZ 7000's.

My original post was only to call out that we saw prospectors hi-grading in Section 19 and we are well-versed on who owns those minerals.

I didn't realize as a new member to the forum that maybe those prospectors were here!

We have many claims that we work out there and have worked very hard to gain the knowledge necessary to locate and maintain those claims.

No they weren't bought off eBay we did it the hard way lol.

To Rudy and Lucky Lundy you guys were great to talk with at the Gold Digger Inn.

We go out to Rye Patch almost monthly so maybe when we see you again you can give us some pointers on operating the 7000's.

We're not going to spill any secrets but there is definitely gold still at Rye Patch in certain areas.

Again Clay Diggins is the MASTER of claims and all things land-related.

His words are worth their weight in gold.

No harm no foul we move forward from here as fellow miners.

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Love your History lesson!  I’m not here to get either of you claim owners upset!  All claim owners have the same problems w/Unauthorized minerals withdraws.  Like Clay’s above information everyone should know the basics to know where they are in searching for a nugget!  The underlining problem is only One Percent do.  Next time your out in the Goldfields, stop and ask someone where section 8 or 18 is located.  Like, Clay mentioned above not knowing where your at isn’t much of and excuse...but, it’s a fact.  Until all Prospectors are educated on researching open/claimed mineral land status this is a never ending story we face with our claims.  Now, I’ve had adjacent claim owner problems as well...they all ready know your sweet dredge or Detecting spots.  


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23 minutes ago, Rail Dawg said:

I just made yet another donation to MyLandMatters.org

Clay Diggins (Barry) works hard to bring this information to all of us and it is a site worth visiting on a regular basis.


Thanks for the kudos and your continuing support Dawg. :biggrin:

I should point out that Land Matters is a group effort based on volunteers and donations from the public. I myself am a volunteer. Land Matters has a board of directors (I'm not an officer) as well as a nearly full time director. There are no paid employees and no advertising.

I couldn't do what Land Matters does without the help of the many volunteers and donors. Many of those volunteers and donors post on this forum. Land Matters couldn't exist without those individuals support. This isn't really all about me, I'm just the loudest voice among many.

My personal thanks go out to the many donors, supporters and volunteers that make Land Matters possible.



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