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Tune Out Nails - You Will Miss Gold!

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I’m really pleased to see this type of highly informative write-up Steve. Despite all the forum discussion about PI units, the vast majority of hunters encountered prospecting silver in northeastern Ontario are using VLF units. And irrespective of whether they actively participate, there’s no doubt that most do monitor this and other forums. So hopefully everyone will find your discussion related to VLF operating modes, target ID and monitoring ground mineralizations to be especially interesting and instructive. 
On that note allow me to say that your resourceful efforts to keep this forum diversified and interactive are certainly appreciated. Excellent work as exemplified by this latest thread … thankyou and hope to see more along these lines from time to time. 
PS: I think most experienced electronic prospectors would agree that one can never have too much visual information about ground mineralizations with respect to phase measurement and magnetic susceptibilities, and target ID in conjunction with audio signal nuances... particularly for those who search almost exclusively in motion all-metal modes. Better to have it and not need it than otherwise.


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Here is a video showing pretty much what you are talking about. When he hits the Iron ID on the Gold bug 2 he looses the target due to the highly mineralized ground. Thanks for the education Steve!




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This is a fantastic write up. I know my buddy and I tend to believe in the iron id probably a little too much. We generally work moderate trash areas with old sluices so there are a few nails to deal with.

I'm still new to the whole detecting game so I've got lots to learn. My suspicions that I may be passing over gold caused me to permanently ditch using dd coils on my GPX and use a mono to force me to dig everything. First day out I came across a signal I knew was a piece of trash. Horribly broken signal but it was a nice little nugget. Forcing myself to dig everything gives me piece of mind that I'm not leaving gold in the ground.

This post just goes above and beyond and makes me feel like ditching the iron id was the correct choice.

Thanks again!

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I might be misunderstanding this , but couldn't you take any "metal" detector and gold prospect with it and just dig everything? I mean like a bottom of the line coinmaster.

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Hi gambler,


The goal of the thread is not to try and talk you into digging everything. It simply is information about how VLF metal detectors work so you can make informed choices. Yes, you could use a bottom of the line detector and dig everything but the depth will be far less than that had by a good ground balancing prospecting detector. Most inexpensive models have a factory preset ground balance which means they have poor performance in most goldfields.


If the thread got somebody who is using discrimination habitually to just scrape a little soil off the top of weak signals it will mean somebody will find a nugget they might have missed. Then it will have served its purpose.

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Hi all,


I have no idea HOW Steve Herschbach does all that he does every day!


I have marveled at his tenacity, shear grit and determination, for quite a few years.

It doesn't really matter what subject you want to talk about, Steve is a been there, done

that kind of guy!


I must say, that with all the time and talent that he provides to all of us every day,

I am HAPPY that we don't have to pay him for he what he does, because we could

never afford him. 


Thanks very much Steve!  And thanks as well to Chris Ralph for his meaningful

contributions and commentary.



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