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Avoid Getting Lost

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The Spot type devices are not mobile phones as such but can deliver messages via satellite .The main advantage of these units is that they will send satellite messages  to your email address that contains breadcrumb style tracks overlaid on google earth that you can record and mark for later study and research. We have used these devices in Scouting for a number of years. Whilst the kids are out on three or five day hikes we can be at home and receive constant updates as to there progress . When I take the Spot out prospecting I can wear it all weekend and when I get home I can open up the email and see exactly where I have been over that time   I can even send icons with the message if I make a good find to mark it on the map separately to the breadcrumb trail ,I can then add google earth icons and name locations for later use.you can set the device to mark at  shorter pre set time intervals as well to give better resolution ,or lengthen the intervals to save batteries.hope this is helpfull

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17 hours ago, Northeast said:

But, some cell phones are 'GPS enabled' meaning that they will get a reading from a satellite for mostly any position in the world - just like any GPS device.  Even if you are out of cell phone tower range.  Any of the latest iPhones, iPads, etc have this functionality.  This does not mean they are Satellite phones though - you can't make a call using that satellite reading.

So... I get what you're saying, and I'm not completely tech illiterate, but I think I'm still confused. My iPhone has google maps, which is "Location Services" enabled. That said, the GPS is also enabled. But if I drive outside of my coverage, Google maps for example, even all of my apps stop working. Moreover, I'm looking for something more than just a map, or even a distress beacon.

On all of the work shows I'm seeing these days, all of these guys seem to have a separate device, presumably linked with NASA or aliens or whatever, that pinpoints their exact longitude and latitude down to what appears to be the nearest meter. Moreover, they seem to be able to tap on that pinpoint, and up pops info on the last time they were there, what the weather was like that day, how long they were there, how much gold or crab they found on that spot. Not only that, it also seems to track the path they took to get to that spot, and the path they took leaving that spot. AND LASTLY, it seems they can use this device without fail no matter where they are on the planet.

So with all that said, you are telling me that there is simply something I can do (that I'm apparently currently not doing) with my iPhone 5s that will offer me all of that functionality, and no matter where I am on the planet will function?

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Getting lost could cost your life, especially in places like the Aussie outback. Never leave camp without way-pointing it, and most important. Make sure you take with you a spare set of batteries for your GPS.

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2 hours ago, Bob(AK) said:

Get a Garmin Inreach, my 2 cents

Yeah that's more what I was referring to. Thanks for that my friend.

Found a really comprehensive review of it, with ONE PIECE of glaring bad news... It has a monthly charge!


I wonder what the most comparable FREE MONTHLY one would be? I'm gonna try out a few of these compass ones for my iPhone. I'm by NO MEANS ready for yet another monthly charge.


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7 hours ago, NuggetBuddy said:

presumably linked with NASA or aliens

lol  :laugh:


7 hours ago, NuggetBuddy said:

But if I drive outside of my coverage, Google maps for example, even all of my apps stop working.

Yep, that's because Google maps is working live via the internet through the towers - not via satellite.  The Avenza maps you have to first download onto your phone.  Therefore they are always with you even when out of range and the satellite ability of your phone places you on that map. 

It is the same with the HEMA maps app in Australia.  You can download all their maps, take them with you on your devices and then your position is over-layed onto the maps via satellite.  But the maps themselves you already have - not live off the net like Google maps.


7 hours ago, NuggetBuddy said:

that pinpoints their exact longitude and latitude down to what appears to be the nearest meter. Moreover, they seem to be able to tap on that pinpoint, and up pops info on the last time they were there, what the weather was like that day, how long they were there, how much gold or crab they found on that spot. Not only that, it also seems to track the path they took to get to that spot, and the path they took leaving that spot. AND LASTLY, it seems they can use this device without fail no matter where they are on the planet.

This sounds like witch craft :ph34r:    This type of device I have no experience with but it sounds awesome!!   Is the Garmin In-reach that Bob suggested exactly what you are referring to? 

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12 minutes ago, Northeast said:

The Avenza maps you have to first download onto your phone.  Therefore they are always with you even when out of range and the satellite ability of your phone places you on that map.

It is the same with the HEMA maps app in Australia.  You can download all their maps, take them with you on your devices and then your position is over-layed onto the maps via satellite.  But the maps themselves you already have - not live off the net like Google maps.

I think I'm catching on now. I think I'll try that Avenza. 

12 minutes ago, Northeast said:

This sounds like witch craft :ph34r:    This type of device I have no experience with but it sounds awesome!!   Is the Garmin In-reach that Bob suggested exactly what you are referring to? 

The Garmin is definitely one of the things I was imagining, but I'm in no way ready to use the features the device offers for the monthly charge. Ergo, I'd be paying monthly for nothing right now. Ultimately, I just want to be a specialized Gold guy. For some reason I have this notion that if I take meticulous notes (recording all my finds locations, weather, time spent, routes I took, topographies, etc.) that I'll end up unlocking the secret of exactly where to find the cheese no matter where I'm at in the world. Kinna silly yeah? 

Also, I'm still trying to figure out what my first detector is going to be. At this point I'm just trying to get a plan together so I'm ready in May for my first expedition when the snow is gone and the heat returns.

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Hehe, when the cheese supplies are getting low you have to start looking for new cheese :laugh:

Your idea of mapping is not silly at all.  Steve and others have posted quite a bit about detailing finds locations, then using that info to better understand the where, why and how of the gold they have found and the next spot they are likely to find gold. 

Reg Wilson who frequents here - his methods are meticulous, incredulous, outstanding and above all - yield results.  

As Reg also pointed out in this thread earlier - regardless of gold and treasures the most important aspect of GPS, navigation, beacons, etc is making sure that you come back alive  :wink:

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