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Comparison Videos - This Versus That?

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Over the past 20 years I’ve had the great pleasure to do many side by side metal detector comparisons.   This can be very time consuming, but with patience and careful study much will be learned.  The desire to have the best machine has always been a driving force for me to test, test, test…

I live in the southwestern part of Virginia where the ground mineralization is very dynamic and ranges from mild to extreme.   Some areas the ground is so bad I’m lucky to get a solid ID at a depth of 5 inches and anything deeper will give an iron response.  

A few years ago I decided to purchase a PI to hunt these sites and found many good targets that were just beyond the detection range of my VLF machines.  Doing VLF comparisons to a PI is not fair playing ground but it will indicate the handicaps (or weaknesses) of the VLF from the beginning.  But the PI will stay around until the day something better is developed.   So I continue to use the best VLF machines I can get my hands on.  I’ll test until I find the machine that does the best for the area I live in then sell the lesser machine.    

To me buying a machine for the sole reason of a comparison can be a very expensive mistake and I can say in years past I’ve made buying decision on other people’s comparisons.  What might be a superior machine in one region might be a total failure in another.  

It has always been very intriguing to see the difference in performance in a machine and how they perform in my ground.  Comparing some machines becomes almost impossible to label a true winner and in those instances I just keep the one I like most.

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15 hours ago, Norm S said:

Because you locate stuff in the ground so randomly I don't know how you can do it objectively. By that I mean if you hit a signal with one detector and then see if you get the same signal with other detector does not mean you would have detected it with detector #2 because you already know where it is.. 

Here is how I do it, and it does not lend itself well to video. This is copied from an old thread, and it is interesting how my last comment mirrors Mark’s.

For me to compare detectors I have to do more than go finding stuff. I have to compare both machines on "found targets". If I am doing serious testing there is only one way I do it. For two detectors:

1. Take detector number one, go find a target. Play with settings to get best signal on this found target. This insures you are tuned up properly for this ground.

2. Check same target with second detector. Again adjust settings for best results in this ground.

3. Make notes on responses, dig the target, make notes on what it was, settings, depth, etc.

4. Swap detectors, and go find target with the second detector.

5. Cross check with first detector.

6. Continue swapping the two detectors and repeating this process for as long and as many targets as it takes to reach reasonable conclusions.

7. Always realize results are only valid for the particular ground and on the particular types of targets found. A totally different location with different mineralization and types of target (gold for instance varies greatly in different places) may yield different results.

This process can take many hours if not days, and can't be rushed. The only thing we want detectors to do is find targets in the ground that usually have been buried a long time. Air tests, test gardens, buried targets etc. all provide some information but in my opinion never substitute for extensive cross testing on "found targets".

My experience with modern VLF detectors is it is very hard to find genuine targets where one detector really shines compared to the other. With most targets both units will fare just as well. I therefore pay particular attention to fringe and "iffy" targets trying to get a situation where one detector has a clear edge over the other. Most machines are so good now it takes a lot of hours to find the edge, one over the other, if it exists at all. More often I just decide I like one or the other more for other reasons doing more with ergonomics than anything else.

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Guest Tnsharpshooter

I like the process talked about above.  I won't be doing any videos, but if I am comparing Equinox to any other detector(s) I will follow host directive here and put in comparison subforum.

A few other comments here.  Videos can be good, but they don't paint the whole true pic some times.  It is more to me when comparing detectors than if a detector just alerts on a target.

Lots of things I watch for.


Coil height for detection.

Sweep speed variation allowed.

Coil position variance allowances and still detect even borderline tone.

ID accuracy

Tone quality as it relates to all the above.

Basically which detector is the more odds on favorite all things considered when sweeping/creeping a coil around in the wild to get alert to stop and investigate.

Could take a boatload of target scenarios to prove one way or the other too.  Previously hard hunted sites usually will sniff out faster though.


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I agree with Steve 100% although I have never put that much effort in to it. The amount of time I did compare was a cpl of hours. I have never had much faith in doing the test garden unless the detector is brand new and just checking vdi's. 

I was hunting with my grandson a cpl of weeks ago and he used my ETrac and I used my V3i. He was digging a lot of tabs and nails mostly because he had never used the Etrac and was familiar with my AT Pro. I would check his signals with my V3i and most often it compared to the Etrac but a couple of times the ETrac was on a good  44 signal and the V3i showed it to be a penny. 

Being 73 yrs old I hate to drop on the ground for a false signal but I do it often. I was suckered into dropping for a buried soda can twice yesterday when I knew by the depth and the loudness of the signal it had to be a can. 

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Its like all those detector depth tests....... ugh.   You can twist it anyway you want to.......but what ive found is in reality what  dont work for you works just fine for me.   Id prefer watching videos by guys i know  who can get the most out of a machine........ especially doing real hunts...... digging as they go.   Bottom line is ...... if this machine works for me and not you ...... hey im good.

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