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Some Equinox Test Garden Testing, Including A Head-to-head Video With The CTX 3030...


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Awesome writeup, Steve.  Really good stuff.

Multiple detectors is how I looked at the various Deus modes/frequencies and why I tend to hit the same sites several times with those various Deus modes.  I look at the Equinox as similar but on steroids.  The modes look to be more differentiated such that they better approximate the "different detector" paradigm.  I plan to do the same with the Equinox (hit a site multiple times with multiple modes if I can) and then hit it again with the Deus at an HF freq thst is not covered by the Equinox just for good measure.  Lol.

Also, plan to do a little more "in water" salt beach hunting this summer so I want to unerstand Equinox beach modes better.  I have a question on how this beach mode GB "locked at zero" thing works because I can't find it in the manual.  Manual does recommend tracking GB in the water so that implies it can be unlocked, but not in manual/auto GB?? If anyone can enlighten me it would be appreciated.  Thanks.

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Chase --

I think that "locked" was a bad word choice on my part.  To explain...

I had no idea how GB worked in beach mode, prior to yesterday's testing.  In other modes, the default GB setting is "zero."  So when you switch to the GB screen, if you choose to do an auto GB, then the procedure is that you press and hold the "accept/reject" button, and then start pumping the coil up and down.  You will hear audible feedback from the ground lessen, while at the same time the "0" default ground balance number starts to climb; eventually the number hits a point, and stabilizes -- in conjunction with the audible ground feedback decreasing to a very low level.  Now you are "balanced;" the machine chose a "proper" setting.

The "manual" GB process is the same, EXCEPT you don't press/hold the "accept/reject" button.  You simply switch to the GB screen from the menu, and then bob the coil up and down, while you MANUALLY run the GB numbers up, gradually, listening to the ground feedback.  You "stop" at the point where the audible ground feedback is minimized, and then you are "balanced" -- similar to the way the "auto" process works, except that YOU decide when you achieve "balance," not the machine.

NOW -- with that said, I switched to beach mode, and I went to the ground balance screen.  I saw the "0" on the screen, which is as expected, as that's the default, just like in other modes.  BUT -- when I pressed the accept/reject button (to initiate the "auto" balance process) and started bobbing the coil, the balance number never changed.  It stayed at "zero."  I did not know it would do that; it surprised me at first.  Hence, my choice of the wording that GB is "locked" in beach mode.  HOWEVER, subsequently, it was said that if you don't use the "auto" procedure, but instead use the MANUAL GB process, you CAN adjust the ground balance to whatever level you wish.  And so, "locked" is not a proper choice of words on my part.  The better choice of words would be "the auto GB process in beach mode will not change the GB setting; if you wish to ground balance, you have to balance manually (or, select "tracking" ground balance)."

Hope this helps to clear it up.


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Great analysis and thanks for doing that. I will be doing some testing between the two when I finally get the 800. It will take a an act of god to get me to prefer something over my CTX for general park hunting for coins and jewelry. I'm just so used to it.  In my opinion you were running the CTX way too hot in that vid. Too much EMI. I rarely switch out of Auto 3+ and I've found the CTX in running  in manual sensitivity best to keep it in the 22-25 range.  I usually run my machine in Combined mode, Ferrous coin setting, deep on,  and an open screen when looking for depth.  Having half the screen blanked out like you had in that vid will cost you some depth. 

There is no question that the Equinox has good depth as well as good  target ID at depth.  I've seen that from the vids so far. My main concern is am I going to be able to operate it in bottle cap infested areas without it driving me nuts like my Deus used to.  With the CTX all I have to do is press one button and it will tell me the likelihood that the target is a bottle cap. I subscribed to your Youtube channel :smile:


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Strick -- 

You are absolutely right that I was running it too hot for the conditions.  I concur.  Like I said, the reason I did that was that Auto +3 in that case would have been 19, and when I tested the coin at auto +3/19, I got ZERO response on that 10" quarter.  The only way to get a few chirps out of it (and I mean target chirps, not EMI chirps LOL) was to run it that hot.  I had to decide whether to do the testing at a more "stable" CTX level -- and then have people say "no wonder you were deeper with the 'Nox, you ran the 'Nox way hotter than you ran the CTX," versus whether to run the CTX "hot" so as to show that even at high sensitivity, the 'Nox compared favorably, depth-wise.  It was a dilemma -- but you are right, that was way to hot to have run it otherwise, and with that much noise I'd have run a lower sensitivity "in the field."

The other thing, though, is I agree with you, on the Equinox not fully "replacing" the CTX as a deep coin hunter in turf.  I will not be replacing my CTX.  At least, not full time.  I envisioned before I got the 'Nox, and nothing thus far has told me otherwise, that it will be a "which type of site am I hunting today, 1800s home site, or city park" or "how trashy of a section of the park am I going to be in today," type of thing. 

It's a scenario where if I plan to hunt in a trashy location, I COULD use the CTX, and know I'd be good on any real deep coin, and still "OK" if in the nails/trash.  But on the other hand, I might instead choose the Equinox, for that site.  Doing so, I know I'd be in really good shape hunting trash, and yet still "capable" if I run across a deep one.  In other words, they are "complementary."  IF I simply HAD to choose one, right now, it would be the CTX -- because I am more adept at hunting DEEP, vs. hunting in trash.  BUT -- if I ever become skilled at hunting "in trash," then I don't know...I think the Equinox's skill "in trash" MIGHT, just MIGHT, prove to be larger than the CTX's advantage on deep coin hunting in turf...but that remains to be seen.

IN ANY CASE, I have no reason I NEED to pare it down to "just one," and thus I will very happily keep, and use, both.  I think that's the best of both worlds...as they both have their advantages.  That's how I see it.

I will say this -- the 'Nox might eventually make my 6" CTX coil expendable; I could see a situation where BEFORE, I might say "this is a trashy site; I'll run the CTX with the 6" coil today," but now I'll say "this is a trashy site, I'll run the EQUINOX today..."  In other words, the Equinox might "obsolete" the CTX 6" coil, for me!  ;) LOL!


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12 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

When people post on Equinox versus another brand I will usually move the thread to the Metal Detecting Advice & Comparisons Forum which is designed specifically to contain such content. This bring Minelab vs Minelab it is pretty fuzzy even though this is styled as an Equinox Fan forum. The assumption I would think is that people here have an inherent bias for Equinox. Still, I will let it stay here for now as an experiment. If anyone has advice for me an which venue they think is more appropriate I am all ears. But here or there it is a great report. Thanks again Steve for making the effort and sharing your opinions!

Yes, Steve --

I apologize about the "mix" of reporting -- some of my reporting was about the Equinox, and some obviously was comparing the Equinox to the CTX.  I was not sure which place to put it, so if you feel it needs to be moved at some point to the "comparisons" forum, by all means, I get it!


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