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Just Got Done With Second 2 Hours, Crazy Suggestion Incoming


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Ok so I went to another home site that I have been pounding for 4-5 years.  I found 3 wheat at about 7-8" a button "Red Fink's Bar" circa 1912 8" and that was the extent of the keepers.  What is ok about that is I usually hunt for an hour and find just 1 wheat anymore and some relics.  The first hour was a headache filled signal fest, but when I got a repeatable signal I decided to try something that CDV recommended and that was to turn down the sensitivity.  Reason he suggested it was to see if I could get the volume of the tone to change on a target that I would consider deep enough to dig in a park (another story line there).  So I turned it down to 16 before I started to get a change in volume.  Funny thing is, that the volume changed AND the signal cleaned up.  This place is iron infested and it seems like by turning down the sensitivity it improved the machine's performance!  The reason I think I missed these in previous hunts is due to A) iron being in the hole and B) the wheat were worn so thin the date is all but gone! 

My take away is that if I have been hunting here for 4 years and the deepest coin I have recovered was at 8" and the machine is hitting wheat at this depth at 16 sensitivity, why shouldn't I continue to hunt at this sensitivity?  I mean so many non-iron targets really started to pop when I did this.  NOW with that said it is really wet here and the chemistry of iron is funny in that it can leech into the soil creating a halo.  This halo will increase and decrease in masking other targets dependent on  soil moisture (if you would like a chemistry lesson on how iron behaves in anoxic conditions let me know).  I will most likely bump up sensitivity in drier soil conditions, but as crazy as it sounds I think I may need to adjust sensitivity at each site and hunt to get the most out of the machine.  Is it nutty to want to work with less sensitivity even if it is stable at 22-24?!?! 


Thanks for reading!


Picture of hunts with the CTX and the keepers found for a little eye candy:


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Snapped a pic after quick date check on coins:




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No it is not nutty to work with low sensitivity.  In fact, that is the basis for one of the Deus programs called "Sifter" when working through dense iron.  Don't underestimate the "power" of turning down sensitivity.  Based on my limited hours on the machine, the defaults are great.  As far as sensitivity is concerned I would keep it below 22 and above ~15.  Lower it as necessary to either get rid of extraneous noise (after noise cancelling and properly GBing the machine) or to reduce how "hot" the machine responds to thick trash environments, especially ferrous.

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Equinox on sensitivity 1, see the coin  to 4-5 inches ...

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12 minutes ago, Dug D said:

You have just found the most common error (IMO) in most/maybe all instruction manuals. :smile:

Well this is my third minelab and historically on the etrac 20 was needed to hit deep coins 22 on my ctx and I would have volume gain at 10 and 8 respectively.  So I was inclined to put the sensitivity up as high as it would go with no chatter.  I am thinking that this machine will require more fine tuning at the start of every hunt, BUT have greater rewards!

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the Park2 and Field2 programs on the equinox have a stronger preamp, so you have to find the right sensitivity to the field conditions ....

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Equinox is a really hot machine, and unlike some machines with presets the ones on Equinox are not watered down. The default of 20 is therefore seen as a sort of minimum when in fact it may be too high for some conditions. In heavy trash especially, turning down the sensitivity can really clean things up. I think I am still running my sensitivity too high a lot, which tends to accentuate high end iron falsing. I should probably just turn the sensitivity down.

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