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Park Modes

Nuke em

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Hi , does anyone know what the difference is between Park 1 and Park 2 modes ? 

I need a mode that i can use on dry beaches away from the salt wet. But i have to put it into frequency 10 khts to match the Terra .

Its mainly for looking for coinage in shingle and sand beaches . 

I need depth and sensitivity .


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Park 1 is lower frequency weighted, less sensitive to small stuff. Park 2 is higher frequency weighted, hotter overall both to small stuff and large.

Multi-IQ Frequency Weighting Differences Between Park & Field Modes

Is Park 2 The Magic Mode??

Park 2 Compared To Field 1 Or Field 2?

Park 1 & Field 1 versus Park 2 & Field 2

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Looks like Park 1 then in 10 khts . Will set that one up in a few days when i have time off .

Thanks Steve.

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Hold on, when you go single frequency, then it doesn't matter what mode you use (for Park and Field - all user settings being equal) because what really differentiates those modes in terms of the target preference (what I like to refer to as mode "personality") Steve just described is based solely on the unique MultiIQ profile for each mode.  Since you lose the features that depend on Multi IQ (e.g., Iron Bias doesn't work in single frequency, and I suspect GB is not as forgiving without MultiIQ) so all you have left are the discrimination patterns, number of tones, and recover speed.  Set these to be the same and then there is NO difference between Park 1, Park 2, Field 1, and Field 2.  Beach modes are N/A because they can only be operated in MultiIQ and Gold modes are completely different because they are VCO (pitch) vice tone based and can only be operated in single at 29 and 40 kHz. 

This was the basis of my single frequency "Thought Exercise" here:


So just use whatever mode has the discrimination pattern, number of tones, and recovery speed default setup closest to what you desire, tweak those settings as you see fit and go with that.  If that is Park 1 and 5 tones works, then you are all set.  If you want 50 tones, you can go with Park 2.  Either should work the same from a performance standpoint if you are just using single frequency and disc and recovery are where you  want them.

You can validate this by using The User Profile button to set up one mode (say Park 1) in this manner and shifting between Park 1 single frequency and Park 2 single frequency with ALL the other user settings adjusted to be the same to see if you notice a difference. I have NOT verified this by experiment, yet, but once you have removed the Multi IQ-based mode "personality", I believe this to be the case.

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I was just reading a text from someone in Texas who is using Park mode with manual GB setting 2 to 4 digits higher than auto to quiet the machine down.  He says it lets them muting and reduced depth of the two BEACH modes.    I believe this method of increased GB will quiet it down maybe...... but like disc it will reduce sensitivity to the gold near the salt level and i disagree it will get better depth in wet to damp sand.   Im still pretty firm that Field 2 is the deeper for dry sand.... Beach 1 for damp and wet to waters edge and Beach 2 properly set in the water.   He likely could get the same depth just reducing the sensitivity and running 0 GB.   I think the park modes also already disc out digits 1 and 2.  Personally i like a little chatter that comes and goes....... it lets me know when im closer to the hard pan.

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