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600 Vs. 800 Settings Question...


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Hi all.

I know I've seen this info before, but I can't seem to find it...

I currently have an Equinox 800, and am going to buy a 600 as a backup.  I know the 600 has only 4 settings for Iron Bias (instead of 9), and 3 settings for Recovery Speed (instead of 8).  Can anyone remind me what the "equivalents" are between the 600 settings and the 800?

I THINK I recall that Recovery Speed 1 on the 600 equals 2 on the 800, Speed 2 on the 600 equals 4 on the 800, and speed 3 on the 600 equals 6 on the 800.  Is this correct? 

Meanwhile, I can't remember how the Iron Bias Settings relate.  I assume 0 on the 600 equals 0 on the 800, and 3 on the 600 equals 9 on the 800?  Would 1 on the 600 equal 3 on the 800, and 2 on the 600 equal 6 on the 800?

In other words, is this "chart," below, correct?


Reason I ask is, I know the settings that I prefer on the 800, and I'd like to set the 600 up as close as possible to what I run on the 800.



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https://www.minelab.com/__files/f/326548/4901-0249-1 Inst. Manual, EQUINOX 600 800 EN.pdf

On page 52 there is a graphic similar to your EXCEPT for the Iron Bias it's only a factor of 2 (similar to the recovery speed conversion which you have shown correctly and is on page 51 of the manual) -- that is:

600 value 0 is equivalent to 800 value 0

600 value 1 is equivalent to 800 value 2

600 value 2 is equivalent to 800 value 4

600 value 3 is equivalent to 800 value 6

And yes, there is no higher Iron Bias setting on the 600 even though the 800 goes all the way up to 9.

Good mnemonic: both Iron Bias scale and Recovery Speed Scale on the 600 is a factor of 0.5 times the equivalent value of the 800.

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OT but wish I could get those nice crisp, scalable grabs from the manual you use for your forum posts.  There are a number of charts and tables in the manual that would be handy for ready reference on my phone rather than having to flip through the entire PDF.  What PDF clipping app do you use to do that?  Posting public as others might find it useful too.  Thx.

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Steve and GB_Amateur --

Thanks for answering my question -- very much appreciated!

GB -- that mnemonic is perfect!


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