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Tone Break


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I would like to know if there would be any advantage if instead of - 9 it will be modified to 0 to search on the beach? . It is the only thing that could change the tone break since I own the model 600. It would be for beach search and mainly in the wet land

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Hi Luis

I have not hunted salt water beaches with my 600. I hope to someday soon!  I have detected fresh water beaches and river sand. Is there a problem you are having with salt water beach detecting using the 600 in one of the beach modes? The 600 Tone 1 tone break can go all the way up to +9 I believe and the tone used for that region is also adjustable upward.  I can see a benefit to having that first tone region's tone raised out of the iron grunt low tone to something a bit higher that goes well with the other 4 tones when using the 5 Tone setting or even the 2 Tone setting. I get tired of hearing that really low tone sometimes. Also you could discriminate up to zero or +1 or +2 and not have to listen to any black sand concentrations while still being able to detect small fine gold objects. Hopefully someone with lots of beach experience with the 600 will post soon.



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An advantage to moving it to 0 is ... bobby pins and most small iron hit in the -1 and -2 range.   I dont use the 600, but i believe you can adjust the target volume... turn it down on iron and turn off the threshold which will reduce your noise and allow you to concentrate on better targets.  Run some iron bias..... 2 or 3 as well to help cut the small minerals.

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If I upload it to 1 or even 2, will not I lose the objectives set by its vdi 1 or 2? There are many pieces of gold that are in that range, especially the gold chains

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