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Gold Vs Aluminum 2018

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55 minutes ago, Alluminati said:

If you are thinking of skipping silver rings with American clad too, what constitutes a diggable target for you? You'd just be digging worms at that point.  Why wouldn't a historical coin hunter want a gold coin?

You could just as easily apply these tactics to other types of hunting, it doesn't have to be gold.
I'll admit it probably goes against your grain if you are too annoyed to dig a silver ring for fear it might be an American quarter. That's insane. ? I'm a clad snob too, but the clad doesn't stay forever if you dig it. It can mask a good target just like a piece of iron.

I don’t “fear” American Quarters.  The only reason for me to skip a shallow quarter or other clad would be for time efficiency..  Every minute spent trying to pry a quarter out of the grass roots is a minute less swing time that might net me an old coin. That’s how weird I am and that’s the point of my post. We all enjoy different styles of hunting.  I probably took your “fool” quote too personal.

Yes, gold coins make it on to my targets worthy of digging list.



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Hi Bryan,

I don't usually jump into threads that tend to heap any kind of praise on me. So this was a first. I'm just not that kind of guy. I would give most of the credit for any of my finds to the Equinox 600 that I got in May 2018. It and my 800 are truly amazing. 

I really appreciate your comments. We all really do have such different detecting environments, time constraints and physical constraints, which demand different styles of detecting and goals.

I only wish I could find some nice pre-clad coins besides pre-1982 Memorials which are very plentiful where I hunt. The ground in the many parks I hunt in is so mineralized and saturated with a two to three inch layer of continuously falling trash that just detecting good clad targets is a real challenge. I found  5 wheats 3 rosies and one silver quarter in the past year. That's it. Even when I join large club group hunts for wild targets we rarely find silver coins besides the occasional Mercury dime or War nickel. The abundance of clad, jewelry and plenty of trash make any really deep targets hard to hear due to masking. Plus, we have to coin pop with screwdrivers and probes. No shovels allowed! I guess some folks got a little rambunctious down in Colorado Springs south of me, in 2017 and the city council banned metal detecting on all city land. Craig's List has had a steady stream of detectors for sale since then from there.

I actually found more gold jewelry by weight than gold from prospecting last year. I think my total was just over 9 grams in small nuggets and flakes. The biggest nugget was .79 grams and I found it crevicing. My largest nuggets detecting were all at or less than .25 grams!  


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A simple way of looking at it is... any time we pass a target we are a fool......and I've passed many. Most of the time I subscribe to the  "equal opportunity" digger theory where I'll dig everything. 

I was saving those for a little while. Don't know how much gold it equaled to as I was not keeping track. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, thank you for sharing. Makes me re-think about passing up those tones that I think are pull tabs. I like to find "everything", rings, coins, relics....you name it. I've found costume jewelry but nothing "real" yet. Thanks again!

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11 hours ago, alaskaseeker said:

Beep, dig.....

I know what you are implying, it's not that simple. You don't get these kind of results by "beep and dig". (Unless you are willing to accept and truly dig every single target, which just isn't practical for various reasons except maybe on your own property.)

I am hunting for aluminum and avoiding iron as much as possible, just like how one might look for silver. Even heavy aluminum gets classified to a degree if I can't process it all due to time or potential damage to the turf. 

The worst thing I could do for productivity is beep and dig. Decisions in the field are very fluid, settings get adjusted up a bit, then maybe down a bit, reacting to the conditions like a dampened spring. Decision to dig are made based upon conditions and the targets before it. (Or lack there of)

On equal ground, I'll take my statistical approached with good target ID over smug luck any day.

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