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Small Coil In Trashy Parks - Latest Thoughts?

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Has there been any updates on using this small coil in a trashy park area?

My main concern is a combination of depth and speed.  I'm sure the speed is there with the Equinox but depth on this small coil is a question.

Being a fact that a 6 1/2" dime is a common occurrence in my area, depth is a must and I'll give an example.

Years ago I bought and still have the 5" DD coil for my Fisher F75 LTD.  I can easily max out the machine and can only get a slightest peep on my 6 1/2" dime that has been undisturbed for over 10 years and that is in fairly clean ground.

I would guess the 6" coil could obtain more depth than a 5" just out of reason.

Any experiences with this would be appreciated.



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22 minutes ago, Mark Gillespie said:

Years ago I bought and still have the 5" DD coil for my Fisher F75 LTD.  I can easily max out the machine and can only get a slightest peep on my 6 1/2" dime that has been undisturbed for over 10 years and that is in fairly clean ground.

It sounds like the test coin must not be available for you to test. Or do you not have a 6" coil yet Mark and are looking to find out if it possibly exceeds what that F75 and 5" combo could do?

I can't really say personally as I have not used the 6" much in parks and when I have I have not been comparing to any other detector. I like mine well enough I picked up a second one on my last trip to Alaska. Mainly to test 6" against 6" on tiny gold with the two firmware versions we have so far but that has been low on the priority list.

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1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

It sounds like the test coin must not be available for you to test. Or do you not have a 6" coil yet Mark and are looking to find out if it possibly exceeds what that F75 and 5" combo could do?

I can't really say personally as I have not used the 6" much in parks and when I have I have not been comparing to any other detector. I like mine well enough I picked up a second one on my last trip to Alaska. Mainly to test 6" against 6" on tiny gold with the two firmware versions we have so far but that has been low on the priority list.

You are correct I have not got the 6" coil as of yet.

I hate to sink money in a coil that will be no better than the F75, 5" coil


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1 hour ago, phrunt said:

I can say for a fact the 6" coil on the Equinox is deeper than the T2 with 5" coil which is almost your F75 ? .  I do quite a lot of side by side testing of my detectors when playing around learning them and comparing them.  I have a target in the Park across the road from my house, I'm 100% certain it's a NZ $1 or $2 coin and it seems to be at pretty good depth, the depth meter on my Euroace says 20+ CM's, and it maxes out the depth meter on the T2 and Equinox also.  The T2 won't see it at all with the 5" coil even in all metal with max sensitivity, only with the Mars Tiger which is 10x13" and even the the Target ID is all over the place only showing the 78/79 it should be very randomly. The Equinox gets the target with the 6" but the ID's not outstanding but enough to assume it's probably a coin, with the 11" the ID is a perfect solid 21/22 only straying sometimes at certain angles which is what it should be for a $1 or $2 coin.  Interestingly if I change out of MultiIQ onto any of the other frequencies the Target ID is no longer so stable.

I will eventually dig up this coin one day to make sure I'm right about it being a coin but the Equinox, GBP and Ace have made me very confident it's the coin I think it is, even the GBP only sees it with the 13" ultimate coil, no smaller coil sees it but it gets a more accurate ID on it with that coil than the T2 does with the Tiger coil, it's ID on the Bug is pretty good on max sensitivity as you lower the sensitivity it goes from getting a ID favoring the 78/79 it should be down to as low as an ID of 60 before the signal fades away as the sensitivity lowers.

In case you can't decipher my rambling, the 6" is deeper than the 5" for the T2 by far, but still not a match for the 11" stock coil in depth/ID accuracy in my mild soils around here.

Thanks for your input.  I'll consider.  Actually the only reason I'm keeping the F75 is for the small coil.


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  Mark.G  ....small 6 "equinox coil quite certainly among the most sensitive and also the deepest small coils ... If you want to maximize the range of a small coil - add + 3 to + 5, + 7 numbers of GB to the value you got in manual GB detector in the field ... -that Equinox gets pretty conservative GB to the terrain, giving you deep signatures from good IDs and strong audio signals ...

..another advantage of a small 6 "equinox coil is ... ..-Equinox  is incredibly lightweight.


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