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Hello From Redrock Country


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Hi all, my name is Paul.  I've been away from metal detecting for quite awhile, a lot because of being a full time care giver for my mother for the last 3-5 years.  2018 was a terrible year of family loss, of both mother and brother, and now sister was diagnosed with Leukemia, and fighting hard.  She is in remission, but still has a ways to go with stem cell treatment, hopefully this will cure her along with her ITP disorder as well.

Sis, and I are looking to move out of the state of AZ, for favor of returning to our child hood roots of the Pacific Northwest, possibly Oregon or WA.  Were tired of the Desert, even though we live in beautiful Sedona Redrock Country, we take it for granted, and want to get our feet wet again, and we miss the water terribly.  I've been a flyfishing guide, for the last 7 years, but have had to put my fly rod down, for preparations to move.  Would love to hook back up guiding again, after we move.

With that said, looks like the end of the year, and we will be uprooting from here.  I love metal detecting, and have wanted to get back into it.  I own a Explorer 2 and have had other detectors in the past.  Recently acquired the Equinox 800, and have started the learning curve, watching a lot of videos, reading the manual over and over, taking notes, etc...  Have not put a lot of time on it, but have found a lot of clad.  I got it to mostly for when we move, so I can hunt the beachs finally, which has been my main desire.

Really like this forum.  Thanks...

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Welcome, Paul!  Sorry to hear about your family's misfortunes; hope your sister is able to beat hers.

I'm sure you'll stick with the Eqx.  It takes a long time (forever?) to learn every trick of it's gazillion combinations of modes and settings, but it produces right out of the box so things can only improve from there.  Sounds like you're already liking yours.

I can't comment much about your move from desert to rainforest, other than I'm sure there are good detecting locations at both ends.  Please share pictures and stories of your finds when you get a chance to do more hunting.


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Welcome to the forum Paul.

You guys are in my prayers. Best of luck in your sister’s recovery and in your return to the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

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Hi Paul,

I am sorry that you and your family have been dealing with so much. We all have issues but it can be tough to bear when multiple things hit at once.

Metal detecting can be wonderfully therapeutic and for me is almost a type of meditation. When I get “in the zone” time and troubles disappear for awhile. I therefore think getting back into it could help you with more than just finding stuff. You have a great machine they can do most anything well. Good luck and best wishes for your sisters recovery. And welcome to the forum! ?


Steve Herschbach

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