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XP Deus 2 V1.0 I Like It Too

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Seven Wheats -- could be a silver dime or two awaiting, if you can get in another hunt before they backfill.  How old is the tax token?

I figured you'd have something objective to say about the new XP Deus 2 update.  ?  "Whole lotta internet noise goin' on...."

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2 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

Seven Wheats -- could be a silver dime or two awaiting, if you can get in another hunt before they backfill.  How old is the tax token?

I figured you'd have something objective to say about the new XP Deus 2 update.  ?  "Whole lotta internet noise goin' on...."

Tax token was from 1935 to 1941.

Since I rarely have the opportunity to use default settings on any of these latest SMF detectors, I spend some time before I go our for the first hunts with them, trying to get an idea about settings. It was pretty obvious that version 1.0's default silencer setting of 2 was more aggressive and at least in my dirt, it acted like a much higher silencer setting using version 0.71. Also, the previous default iron bias setting of 3 using 0.71 was not going to work well for me and my hearing. For me, it was all about learning what XP had given me to work with and not some kind of major flaw or stupidity on the part of XP. People need to try out these new settings parameters if they do the software update instead of getting involved in a bunch of speculation. Then there are the people that don't even own a Deus 2 that are fueling the fire.

The insensitivity of Goldfield that I and others have well documented......that's another story.

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11 minutes ago, Jeff McClendon said:

Tax token was from 1935 to 1941.

That helps nail down a date range minimum lower limit for the site, IMO.  (Exception could be if this was a "show-and-tell" item from Grandma's droor.  ?)  A good find in its own right, regardless.  I'm even more optimistic that there are silvers awaiting if you can just get back there before it's too late.


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1 hour ago, Jeff McClendon said:

For me, it was all about learning what XP had given me to work with and not some kind of major flaw or stupidity on the part of XP. People need to try out these new settings parameters if they do the software update instead of getting involved in a bunch of speculation. Then there are the people that don't even own a Deus 2 that are fueling the fire.


I am with you there Jeff. Half these people that are complaining just tried V1.0 once, found it to be "different" , and have not bothered to put some effort into learning the new features and are rushing to judgement. I am sure V1.0 isn't perfect and V1.1 will "fix" a few things, but geesh, some folks need to take a breath and calm down. Maybe focus on the positives...of which there are many in V1.0. 

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I think in general people jump to conclusions to quickly when they get anything new. I've done it myself. I used version 1.0 a few hours on Sunday and after making some adjustments to a few programs I really didn't see any real issues with the update. In fact there were quite a few things I really liked over version .71. People need to use the new version 1.0 at least a good 50 hours in my opinion before they make any rash decisions about it's performance. Obviously it's going to perform different from .71 and is going to take some getting used to.

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