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Everything posted by Againstmywill

  1. It appears to be copper and about the thickness of a penny. The raised portion has a small gap between it and the main body where I can get my fingernails into. Found in the same park where my post of clad came from. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Had two hours today at a park I've been frequenting recently. The temp was 68° F, and I was able to wear a T-shirt and baseball cap--all things that during a normal weather year would be absolutely insane and likely deadly. I was focusing on quarters so I can come back and focus on higher value targets in the future. Final count of quarters was 43, and total value was over $12. For a park in February in Minnesota, I'll take that all day long! The park is in a low-income housing area, so I haven't found anything of super value yet. The ring is aluminum. Equinox 800 with 15" coil in Park 1
  3. Seems like there was one patent on that date that had to do with bullets and one to do with raising propeller--both probable. https://www.datamp.org/displayIndex.php?start=0&date=1891-01-13
  4. I had to share my 2 hour experience with everyone. Not because of the gold or silver that was found, but for the simple fact that I was outside on February 5 detecting without thermals and chopper mittens in Minnesota! It was over 50 degrees with no wind, no snow on the ground, green grass, and no frost to dig through. In fact, even the worms are within the first few inches of the topsoil. I'm not complaining because it has been a great winter to be here since moving from Florida this last summer. Anyway, these finds were from a small park that apparently has not been hit hard. The watch and large token (closed restaurant in Rochester, MN) each rang in at 39-40 on the Equinox 800. Total amount was $9.13.
  5. After moving to Minnesota this summer, it was time to see what the local parks still hold. The items in the pics represent a total of three times out. Some highlights: 2 50¢ pieces, a silver dime, a buffalo nickel, a State Farm license tag, and 29 dimes from one park that were mostly in one area above the soil hidden by grass. The tool shown is a spark plug wrench that I modified after speaking with an old-timer years back. It is what I have been using here so as not to leave a trace as it has been fairly dry. It works well for coins that are not too deep, and it does a great job hooking the pull tabs. Equinox 800 with 15" coil using park 1
  6. I recently moved to MN due to my job. The MD season will be much shorter here than in Florida, so I was hoping to make a connection with someone in the area. I'm located about 1/2 hour north of La Crosse right on the Mississippi River on the MN side. I mostly hunt turf and enjoy finding almost anything!
  7. With the cost of used cars being what they are now, those actually may be worth their weight in gold! Fun finds-- thanks for sharing.
  8. Looks like the years 66-67 at the top. Maybe it's a tag that licensed something for a year.
  9. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1256550922/large-antique-katisha-geisha-button-in?click_key=01f50a7e8b5fb403432e518c742c7cd680508d61%3A1256550922&click_sum=566ae811&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=katisha&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&sts=1
  10. I'm guessing you found it in close(ish) proximity to railroad tracks?
  11. These pics are a couple replies to a post I made back in 2020. Credit goes to dogodog for his wisdom.
  12. Wow, that's a bunch of work in writing and uploading the pics! Thanks for the information. 😊
  13. I was able to get out a couple times this weekend to a local soccer complex. I stayed on the sidelines and in the shaded areas. I took the Deus II with the 11" on Saturday and was able to find 121 coins in 3 hours. There were 29 quarters and 29 dimes along with mostly pennies. I have hit this place many times before with the Equinox 800, so I was a bit surprised by the number of high conductors that sounded through the machine gun sounds of bottle caps and pull tabs. I ran the fast program with a few changes. The black ring that came from behind tall netting that stops balls from going into the water, is stainless. The pendant was right in front of a team bench; there were many targets under the coil, but the 72 ID was unwaivering. The other ring is aluminum. Today, I took the Equinox out for old times sake with the 15" coil. I wanted to cover some ground and focus on numbers between 5-12. The gold helmet, the second one I have found (the first was also at this park by the basketball area), rang up a steady 8. I was in Park 1 with the horseshoe engaged and 7 recovery speed.
  14. I have noticed that after a couple years, the Garrett PP can start to drain the battery quickly. I found this out after I thought I left it on once and found the battery dead after one hunt. When it happened a second time, I got wise. When I am done with a hunt, I open it up, turn the battery around, and screw the cap on lightly. Not sure what happens, but I have had a couple Garrett's with a bad capacitor in the past. Maybe the two things are connected somehow?
  15. https://pocketwatchdatabase.com/search/result/e.-howard-co/234532/link Looks like the movement and case have separate serial numbers. Looks like a rabbit hole for sure!
  16. https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/vintage-1950s-hubley-kiddie-toy-red-log-truck-w-l-90-c-37a4386a5a
  17. It is strange how I had found no gold for a number of months, and then 2 gold rings within about 15 minutes. Location, location, location! I guess I should just hunt where there are more gold rings. 💍
  18. I am blessed to have a wife who doesn't like to wear much jewelry!
  19. I had about 40 minutes to spare today before it got dark. Went to a local park which has a history of having very unfriendly fire ants in mounds hidden by the grass. I used the 10x5 on the Equinox 800 again. Last target of the day was this ring next to the parking lot about 2 feet away from a chain link fence. The TID was 27. Park 1, 7 recovery, all metal, 50 tones
  20. You just never know what's going to come out of the ground! I found this this morning while hunting with the Equinox 800 and the Coiltek 10x5 in an area thick with pull tabs and bottle caps along the edge of a sidewalk and soccer field. This is the same Florida park that gave up the two gold rings last weekend. This time it was a bunch of junk, some modern trash, and an anomaly!
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