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    * metaldetecting * 3d printing * reading books * photography *
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    * Ansmann * Canon * Condor * Detech * Dlyfull * EmiteR * Eneloop * eziMate * Fuji * Predator Tools * Sony * Soshine * Tesoro * White's *

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  1. Thanks for taking us along with you. Really enjoyed your trip.πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž
  2. Great catch. Congratulations.
  3. All what the pre-posters said. And really, Mr. Herschbach, Steve, Sir, THIS IS the best and friendliest forum about prospecting/detecting in the WWW. Hands down. I really enjoy reading and discussing about the hobby here. Thank you very much for that, Steve. πŸ‘πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜
  4. Hmm... now I feel hungry...
  5. Welcome aboard. Nice to have ya here.
  6. Caleb will definitely be missed, just as I will miss his contributions. R.I.P. - My condolences go out to his family. May the Lord give them strength.
  7. Very sad to hear that. My condolences. R.I.P CPT_Ghostlight
  8. Some yrs ago I downloaded some of Mr. Johnson's essays and it was well to read. Also have downloaded some of the interwies he did as there was much information in about MDing, machines e.t.c. From what I read it was a nice man and a genius in electronics. R.I.P. Mr. Johnson.
  9. Welcome aboard, MJ. Great to have ya here. Good Luck on your future adventures.πŸ‘πŸ€žπŸ€πŸ˜Š
  10. @detectorist- Just ranting isn't helpful at all. How about giving constructive criticism in the right place, in this case the Vortex forum, and highlighting the things you don't like? It could be that there are suggested solutions to known problems, or that defective components are responsible and need to be replaced at the factory. There are many causes that can cause problems and that can also surprise a manufacturer. Maybe you should calm down first and then approach the matter sensibly. Best regards https://www.detectorprospector.com/forum/68-garrett-vortex-forum/
  11. Only partially. White's had this in mind, but due to patent rights, a USB dongle for installing updates never came to market. The function for wirelessly exchanging programs, which was still integrated in the first V3, has also been discontinued. Forced to act on trademark infringement grounds, White's offered buyers of the V3 up to a certain point to equip the device with new firmware, but this required sending the device to the factory. Like the XLT & DFX, the Spectra devices were so advanced that no updates were necessary as the user can set everything to their liking. Please excuse the interim comment.
  12. Think this is still active. There in Steve is mentioning [quote: Long story short is I am again considering creating a "New Member" account for new members, that basically only allows them to post text. No links, no photos, no PMs, no editing of posts, nothing but text, until they have made 10 posts over a 30 day period or more. That eliminates somebody just slamming out ten junk posts quick. After proving they are a person who really is interested in being a participating member, then they can have access to the other stuff.] Hope this helps...
  13. You still miss the 14oo DD Deep Scan? πŸ™„πŸ˜‰πŸ˜„ Have a good day.
  14. Hi. For those who are interested in building one. Hit this--> TGSL-light Link
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