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  1. Prayers sent. Wishing All The Best and may the Lord give strength to your Family. Blessings.
  2. >> 100 << Have I won something now? ðŸĪĢ😂ðŸĪĢ😜ðŸĪŠ Sorry, I couldn't resist. ðŸĪ­
  3. @Sven1Hello Sven. The resistor R28 you mention is the base resistor for the transistor Q7, which is part of the VCO. There are a lot of circuits on the MXT that mesh together, so I wouldn't make any major changes. But you're right, Carl will definitely know more. @OneAcreYou are welcome, Sir.
  4. The reason for this is that this is always regulated with defined working points. The other solution simply changes the resistance. If the current is no longer sufficient, the loudspeaker is silent and the control is left more to chance. The fact that it looks like the potentiometer is grounded is purely a coincidence. That's my explanation, but someone else may be able to explain it more clearly.
  5. That will be the way I'd do also, Sven. A pot like R61 for volume control, shown in the second image you posted, isn't available on the MXT layout. @OneAcreGo with Sven's solution and use a 10K. This will not damage the electronics, but be careful where you mount the pot so that nothing is touched by the connections or the pot itself and thereby short-circuited.
  6. White's decided to close production for personal reasons, not because they didn't want to improve the technology.
  7. @phrunt Thanks a lot for your assistence.👍 I really appreciate that.
  8. These are all the documents that I have been able to collect about Whites-Electronics devices over the years. I hope some of these documents can help someone. SEE LINK IN NEXT POST BELOW
  9. Hey Joe. I'm sorry to hear about your pain. I wish you a speedy recovery and Good Luck with the Pro.
  10. I think you'll see it. First comes the window sticker, then the display underneath.
  11. Jup, you can peel it off. (But wait until you got the spare.) Centreville NW has them in stock... https://centrevilleelectronicsnw.com/metal-detectors-and-parts/ols/products/xlt-or-dfx-window
  12. Yes, Sir. Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it.
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