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Everything posted by JCR

  1. Welcome from East Texas.
  2. Jewelry is not something I specifically "target", but I will find the occasional piece hunting relics & old coins. Quality jewelry is very rare for me. I have been re working some well hunted sites with the Rutus Versa and have had good success finding additional targets of interest. Most of these have been relatively small and/or low conductors. The Versa is excellent in this aspect. One of these sites is an old swimming & picnic venue that was very popular beginning in the mid 1890s and closed to the public after WWII. The ground is mild but prone to being water logged much of the time. Silver coins come out of the ground encrusted in a hard black oxidation from the Sulphur & minerals dissolved in the ground water. It takes a soak in Navel Jelly to get them clean. Cents & Nickels are usually in very poor condition. Of course, there is plenty of smaller iron trash where wooden buildings once stood but very little modern trash. It is a neat place with many very large trees still thriving, but the activity & fun that once filled this place is gone, and all but forgotten by anyone still around. The target pictured below was a mixed signal & fairly quiet, but it wasn't iron so it gets dug at this location. It was about 7" down & came out of the ground pretty much as you see it, very clean & bright. I knew instantly it was the real thing. 18K Gold Filled, so a quality piece. I also knew instantly what I was going to do as my 42 Wedding Anniversary was in less than a week. My wife is very good about my detecting & other hobbies. 1903 is also a meaningful year to us both. The birth year of her Grandmother and my Great Aunt. Both left a large impression on our hearts. So, a young woman's loss long ago has come thru dark days to shine bright again, given once more in Love.
  3. Glad to see you back at the relics with the Nexus. Thanks for the video.
  4. @Badger-NH I just checked & it is working fine for me.
  5. Sounds like my son and I & reloading/ballistics.
  6. I am not positive, but 2 non dug, 4 dug by myself. I could figure it out from my notebooks if I had to. The interesting thing to me was the mint date trend. Do you still have all your sample coins? Got a little spare time😉.
  7. I got the time to re run my War Nickels in a more organized fashion. I only have 6, which is a very small sample compared to @GB_Amateur. I don’t have a MInelab, I used the Rutus Versa since that is what I am concentrating on currently. Park Multi F Low conductors, DD 23 coil. 1942S = 69 1943S = 54 1944S = 36 1944D = 35 1944P = 39 1945P = 38 All with comparable wear. A regular 1984 Jefferson = 33. A new Zinc Cent = 58. From my small sample it seems the early war issue alloy may have been adjusted over time as war demands became more focused. Frustrating for our purposes, but interesting.
  8. My hat is off to you. I only cut brush & grass and don’t find that quality. Moving stones out of the way is real dedication.
  9. Those are some very nice & interesting finds. I hope you and your son have a good time ahead together.
  10. Yes, all dug from inland sites. There is one from my adolescent coin collector trove that is not a dug coin but it is mixed in & I’m not sure which one it is any more. I need to look at the relative wear and see if it effects TID like it does on Silver Dimes.
  11. None of the War Nickel I have dug had any serious corrosion. The discoloration varies some. I may have time to see if there is any correlation.
  12. A very good thread. We here, are all probably much more similar in our outlook on the hobby & life in general, than we would suppose. How hard we strive to be above proficient grade is just one of the many aspects, but one I enjoy as well.
  13. I too have recently been testing TIDs on War Nickels trying to set up a custom tone program for the Rutus Versa & prettying up the one I have on the Legend to not miss these coins trying to skip pull tabs. All of mine are ones that I have dug. Over 8 coins the spread is very wide, from just above a regular Nickel to Low IHP range. Frustrating, but good to know. Obviously the alloy content varies a good bit. I haven’t yet decided how many pull tabs a War Nickel is worth.
  14. Perhaps a ram rod end knob.
  15. Welcome from East Texas.
  16. JCR

    Hi From Socal

    Welcome from East Texas.
  17. Welcome from East Texas.
  18. I really think this Forum (DP) has the best format & membership base out there. The new Dankowski format is certainly usable enough. Time will tell what it's membership shapes up to be. I will contribute as I can & try to be positive.
  19. If you are pleased with the Atrex's capabilities you might want to seriously look at the new Rutus Versa. It is very light weight & balanced in a modern waterproof package. The modes & options mirror the Atrex, but the performance has been enhanced considerably. The upcoming software update will enhance it even more. I think a Deus I would be going backwards on performance.
  20. It appears the Spam issue has been addressed now.
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