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Everything posted by D&P-OR

  1. I hoe you don't do that Steve (create an Off Topic Forum).------As others have stated---it's fine just the way it is.---------Del
  2. Thanks guys-----One thing I noticed about this detector right off the bat is how well it responds/hits on (small) non-ferrous targets--really "slaps" 'em.
  3. Isn't there supposed to be an owners manual that comes with this detector besides that little "Getting Started Guide"?------How long does that rechargeable battery pack run on the GM1000 with a full charge & under "normal" hunting conditions?------How long does it take the battery pack to charge (AC plug in charger) when the battery is flat?-------Didn't see any info in that starting guide in regard to this.------I wish they would have made the shafts longer! LOL (I'm kiddin)-------I'm about 5'9" and I got plenty hanging off the back when adjusted for me.------So far, what little I have tested it, I'm really liking the detector although I haven't even had it on a hunt yet.-----If you've got any advice for me on this detector--I'm all ears!-------I've been reading up on what I can find on it.--------Thanks----------Del
  4. Yeah & I'll bet you a dime to a donut that if Minelab does get it settled down in this respect that there will be those that complain about it being "dumbed down".
  5. He makes the Quartzsite coin competition hunts--I talked to him there last winter.-----Darrel should know more about his where-a-bouts if he sees this post.-------------Del
  6. They are just trying to answer your question(s) the best they can at this point in time friend.------It's hard (impossible) to give a comparison report when all the details are still unknown about an upcoming detector release. ----Best to just whatch the forums as the details unfold on this new detector.----Then try to make a judgment call as comparison/features/performance with other detectors of interest.------That's what I am doing but it takes a bit of time.
  7. Yes indeedy, that is odd.----Let's just hope they got it FIXED this time!
  8. I just thought that due to where the coil ears are located (clear to the back) that it might be hard to keep the coil level when swinging it (from coil weight to the front/excessive pivot)----Guess not.-----Thanks Steve
  9. Steve------With those coil ears waaay back on that new ellipticle coil for the Deus----it looks like it would be a real buggar to control.----How was it in that regard?------------Del
  10. Steve-----I see you have the 10X5" Coiltek coil on your CTX.------Do you favor that coil over the Minelab 6" and if so, in what ways? (other than obvious increased ground coverage)
  11. Gentlemen------Thanks to all of you that responded.------I've detected "forever" but not so much gold hunting.-----I'll read & re-read these responses, very good info here.-------Del
  12. Plenty to "digest" here!-----Do you get that coil knock issue you mentioned when running in maxed auto sensitivity on the GM1000?-----Does it occur with both coils?
  13. Pros & cons on these two detectors? (one versus the other)----All opinions welcome!
  14. I think it's a good idea Steve.-----Having a set # of posts (and perhaps time registered) on the Forum before being qualified to make a FS ad.-----Also feedback info on an individual (seller) that is made available to a potential buyer is (IMO) a very good idea.------Most of us old timers know each other (if only through the forums) & the above isn't of any concern--they have past the test of time AND earned the respect.-----BUT-----It's the newcomers to a forum that come on/register to IMMEDIATELY post a FS ad that need to have some sort of accountability before hand.-----I know (most) of these people are good, honest people---and I also know that there are a few rotten apples in every barrel.----Bottom line---Buyer beware & deal with someone you at least know SOMETHING about.-----That's my two pennies worth on the subject.---------Del
  15. Now THAT'S what I call a tector!!!!-----How much for them brooms now-ah-days? LOL
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