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Doc Bach

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Everything posted by Doc Bach

  1. They were also on the rare occasion produced in copper.My favorite and exceptionally rare ones to dig out here in the west were embossed and from various San Francisco clothier and mercantile agencies dating from the California gold rush period and beyond.I have also been fortunate enough to dig a fair amount of examples of these so called garment or underwear buttons but what I consider to to be shirt buttons that are in my opinion military related.They are always a welcome site indeed when they pop out of the ground.
  2. Rivets for sure.Keep swinging you are probably into an early site and better finds should be nearby.
  3. Here are a few so called sportsmen's buttons HardPack and a Maritime button that came from the same place as the controversial and not a sports button was recently dug. The button pictured below would qualify I suppose as a true sportsmans button. Not sure what category the next one would fall under I guess that would be in the eye of the beholder. A sportsmans cufflink? The maritime Naval or Marine button was found last summer at the same place as the controversial mystery button.Very frustrating to photograph as there appears to be an inscription on the anchor. This final button is very special to me.It was sight found by me a few weeks after the mega Christmas flood of 1964 when I was twelve years old. At the gold rush ghost town called Timbucktoo near Smartsville California where my father was born and raised. When I showed it to my grandfather he called it a hunters or sportsman's button so that stuck with me. This button is not really period to the gold rush per say but 1870's or 80's?
  4. I hear ya HardPack.Been there and done most of that.The free Rolling-stones concert was a freaking horror show! I was actually in the process of going but when the two older guys that I would be travelling down to the city with stopped by the house to pick me up my father who was a cop in the small town that I grew up in wouldn't let me get into the car with them.Anyway back to the button you seem to like it and be fascinated with it as much as I am but it's so far a mystery.
  5. Crank the sensitivity as far up as your conditions will allow (EMI) And turn the recovery speed down.I have never had my hands on an ORX but have used the deus 1 for about 5 years and now still learning the D2.I cannot imagine the goldfield mode not hitting it hard assuming that the ORX surely has one.
  6. What a day? Heck that's a what a years worth of finds for some of us! Love the large cast brass buckle and the button with the green setting.And that silver Cobb....Nuff said! You guys really knocked it out of the ballpark.
  7. You're a funny guy Popeye! Seriously my first impression was that HP was breaking my nads that's why I as well hit the Har Har button.Then I thought to myself take a better look see.Ironically when I first pulled the button I was thinking military because of the style and i thought that I could see the vague outline of an eagle.Then I couldn't stand the suspense and took it to the crick and gave it a quick rinse and I also saw a canoe which got me worked up.Yes it's true that Mr Hardpack has an eye for detail but he most likely has better magnification equipment.Or maybe like he asserted it's the snow cones with the shroom topping? I know from a lot of experience from my younger days that said garnish and similar substances certainly made an impression on me.
  8. Howdy HP no but I know that I have seen fish or eel with the monkey looking face and big eyeballs that's under that Helmet Divers arm somewhere before? Millions of different picture buttons were made but I feel that this one has something special about it.There were a lot of interesting cats that frequented the site where I dug it.Including Russians from fort ross and other traders and Colonial Stevensons crew from the New York Legion.Thanks for your interest and keen eye. Doc
  9. I purchased my D2 with the WSA 11 XL'S which I recommend and like very much.However I also purchased the Bone Conduction Headphones which I love (other than being tethered) and have been my go too phones for the last few weeks.For some odd reason with my diminished hearing loss in my left ear and constant ringing (Tinnitus ) In my other good ear I suppose. I can once again hear those very deep just a scratch whisper signals that are no longer obtainable for me with over the ear phones. If xp can ever develop those in a wireless format for us landlubbers who rely on situational awareness at all times that would be a huge home run! Until then I will have to get use to being tethered to my machine or use the armband configuration which makes it awkward to ground balance and pinpoint.
  10. Thanks Bob! And I always appreciate your comments.Yes I got a passion for digging iron when I was just a kid. Truthfully I have been extremely fortunate with big iron leading to some amazing non metalic objects.Antique bottles on a number of occasions and Native American Artifacts both shell and stone. As well as Russian and Hudson Bay and other European Trade Beads on several other occasions and the list goes on.Yes it's true what you say about JCR. Sometimes I wait in anticipation and depend on him to weigh in. The cat is very well versed on relics.
  11. I appreciate your perspective and insight HardPack.I instinctively hit the har-har button on your first post because I thought that you were dry shaving me? But I quickly realized that maybe I should have another look.It may seem silly to be so intrigued by a button but hey I freaking love buttons! I'm hoping that someone can figure out if it has any real significance? Hey you have rvpopeye laughing as well but he is probably looking for Sea Hag in the pictures ?
  12. By God you might be onto something there! You have me looking at it in a whole different light and dimension.
  13. Thanks for your comment and I D help as usual.Most of the sites that I hunt these days are just far enough inland from the coast and with good enough drainage to keep the iron in pretty good condition.That said I have seen a decline in my almost sixty years of being first a bottle digger starting in 1964 and a detectorist shortly there after.
  14. Three days worth of digging from a site that had a very early fur trade era habitatation and continued through the gold rush until probably the 1870's? And was again occupied in the 1920's and 30's and was then heavily polluted with an enormous amount of modern trash and iron.I didn't see any reason to post photos all of the junk. The two earlier buttons. This super tiny one has a clear glass with what appears to be a silver floral design underneath? I was a little disappointed with this second button as I thought it was military.Even so it turned out to be a pretty cool pictorial of what I'm guessing to be a duck hunting scene? Blow up below. One and only coin of the dig...1924 Buff. You all know by now that I am a bit of an iron head.I feel that the bullet mould is worth showing off with a few other pretty cool pieces also. The lead was dug real close to the mould but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are connected they could be from different time periods? I like the horse bit. I'm unsure about the square piece a buggy step or maybe a boot jack? And a wagon hub wrench? The center piece in the photo below looks like some sort of puller? Maybe just a tap? A small portion of yesterdays trash.
  15. That's a very nice Ax Head fogrider.Do you have any idea about its age or what time era it may have come from? The curve under the business end remids me of some of the trade era Axes that come from your neck of the woods.By coincidence on New Years Day I found a similar looking Hatchet Head complete with the handle wedge and an unusual kids or salesman sample sized piece. Not trying to crowd in or jump your post fogrider. Doc.
  16. Good report Tom....The surfers got the lions share of the fun and benifit from the wrath of Mother Nature this time around.
  17. This topic sure went mute.So what's up? Did it turn out to be a dead horse or is it on fire and everybody is just being tight lipped?
  18. Love that buckle! The super early finds make me very envious. ?
  19. Like your new and more than worthy profile photo CPT.I would have proudly changed mine as well.Congrats on your first gold coin!
  20. Good digging CPT! Maybe it's just me because since I was a teenager I have had a habit of wearing objects that I have found.That gold Panda coin would now be hanging around my neck.Hey there's a thought you could go into your stash and pull out one of your better gold or silver chains and make a bracelet or necklace for your wife for encouraging you to go ahead and get out there and detect!
  21. Thanhs for starting up the topic L S. It turned the lightbulb on in my head and got me thinking about the d1 armband that I used onetime several years ago and had forgotten that I even had it.
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